I try to parse html page using XPath with xidel. The page have a table with multiple rows and columns I need to get values from each row from columns 2 and 5 (IP and port) and store them in csv-like file. Here is my script
for (( i = 2; i <= 100; i++ ))
xidel http://www.vpngate.net/en/ -e '//*[@id="vg_hosts_table_id"]/tbody/tr["'$i'"]/td[2]/span[1]' >> "$i".txt #get value from first column
xidel http://www.vpngate.net/en/ -e '//*[@id="vg_hosts_table_id"]/tbody/tr["'$i'"]/td[5]' >> "$i".txt #get value from second column
sed -i ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/^/g' "$i".txt #replace newline with custom delimiter
sed -i '/\s/d' "$i".txt #remove blanks
cat "$i".txt >> ip_port_list #create list
zip -m ips.zip "$i".txt #archive unneeded texts
The perfomance is not issue When i manually increment each tr - looks perfect. But not with variable from loop. I want to receive a pair of values from each row. Now i got only partial data or even empty file