对象。下面复制的简短示例(我有 90,000 个此类文件要处理,使用 UNIX :))。假设我的列表有两个数据框。
dates <- as.Date(paste0(mylist$year, "-", mylist$month, "-", mylist$day), format="%Y-%m-%d")
z <- zoo(mylist, order.by=mylist[,1])
library(hydroTSM)#for daily2annual function but aggregate can do
x.3max <- rollapply(data=zooobject, width=3, FUN=sum, fill=NA, partial= TRUE,
# Maximum value per year of 3-day total rainfall for each one of the simulations
z.3max.annual <- daily2annual(z.3max, FUN=max,na.rm=TRUE)#dates=1
上面的代码所做的是将一个 3 天的窗口集中在 zooobject 中数据框的每一列上,并对这些值求和。提取 3 天总数中每年的最大值。
mylist<- list(a,a)
mylist<-lapply(mylist, function(x) x[x[["Month"]] %in% c(12,1,2),])# extract data for DJF for individual sites
a= structure(list(Year = c(1975L, 1975L, 1975L, 1975L, 1975L, 1975L
), Month = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), Site = structure(c(1L,
1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), .Label = "G100", class = "factor"), Day = 1:6,
sim01 = c(28.49, 29.04, 27.62, 28.43, 28.69, 29.16), sim02 = c(29.49,
30.04, 28.62, 29.43, 29.69, 30.16), sim03 = c(30.49, 31.04,
29.62, 30.43, 30.69, 31.16), sim04 = c(31.49, 32.04, 30.62,
31.43, 31.69, 32.16), sim05 = c(32.49, 33.04, 31.62, 32.43,
32.69, 33.16), sim06 = c(33.49, 34.04, 32.62, 33.43, 33.69,
34.16), sim07 = c(34.49, 35.04, 33.62, 34.43, 34.69, 35.16
), sim08 = c(35.49, 36.04, 34.62, 35.43, 35.69, 36.16), sim09 = c(36.49,
37.04, 35.62, 36.43, 36.69, 37.16), sim10 = c(37.49, 38.04,
36.62, 37.43, 37.69, 38.16), sim11 = c(38.49, 39.04, 37.62,
38.43, 38.69, 39.16), sim12 = c(39.49, 40.04, 38.62, 39.43,
39.69, 40.16), sim13 = c(40.49, 41.04, 39.62, 40.43, 40.69,
41.16), sim14 = c(41.49, 42.04, 40.62, 41.43, 41.69, 42.16
), sim15 = c(42.49, 43.04, 41.62, 42.43, 42.69, 43.16), sim16 = c(43.49,
44.04, 42.62, 43.43, 43.69, 44.16), sim17 = c(44.49, 45.04,
43.62, 44.43, 44.69, 45.16), sim18 = c(45.49, 46.04, 44.62,
45.43, 45.69, 46.16), sim19 = c(46.49, 47.04, 45.62, 46.43,
46.69, 47.16), sim20 = c(47.49, 48.04, 46.62, 47.43, 47.69,
48.16)), .Names = c("Year", "Month", "Site", "Day", "sim01",
"sim02", "sim03", "sim04", "sim05", "sim06", "sim07", "sim08",
"sim09", "sim10", "sim11", "sim12", "sim13", "sim14", "sim15",
"sim16", "sim17", "sim18", "sim19", "sim20"), row.names = c(NA,
6L), class = "data.frame")
Year Site Sim01...
1975 G100 ...
1976 G100 ...
1977 G100 ...
只需要 c(12,1,2) 月份中的值。