我想将列表对象转换为zoo然后应用于rollapplyzoo对象。下面复制的简短示例(我有 90,000 个此类文件要处理,使用 UNIX :))。假设我的列表有两个数据框。


dates <- as.Date(paste0(mylist$year, "-", mylist$month, "-", mylist$day), format="%Y-%m-%d")

z <- zoo(mylist, order.by=mylist[,1])



library(hydroTSM)#for daily2annual function but aggregate can do 

    x.3max <- rollapply(data=zooobject, width=3, FUN=sum, fill=NA, partial= TRUE,
    # Maximum value per year of 3-day total rainfall for each one of the simulations
    z.3max.annual <- daily2annual(z.3max,  FUN=max,na.rm=TRUE)#dates=1

上面的代码所做的是将一个 3 天的窗口集中在 zooobject 中数据框的每一列上,并对这些值求和。提取 3 天总数中每年的最大值。

      mylist<- list(a,a)
mylist<-lapply(mylist, function(x) x[x[["Month"]] %in% c(12,1,2),])# extract data for DJF for individual sites

       a= structure(list(Year = c(1975L, 1975L, 1975L, 1975L, 1975L, 1975L
), Month = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), Site = structure(c(1L, 
1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), .Label = "G100", class = "factor"), Day = 1:6, 
    sim01 = c(28.49, 29.04, 27.62, 28.43, 28.69, 29.16), sim02 = c(29.49, 
    30.04, 28.62, 29.43, 29.69, 30.16), sim03 = c(30.49, 31.04, 
    29.62, 30.43, 30.69, 31.16), sim04 = c(31.49, 32.04, 30.62, 
    31.43, 31.69, 32.16), sim05 = c(32.49, 33.04, 31.62, 32.43, 
    32.69, 33.16), sim06 = c(33.49, 34.04, 32.62, 33.43, 33.69, 
    34.16), sim07 = c(34.49, 35.04, 33.62, 34.43, 34.69, 35.16
    ), sim08 = c(35.49, 36.04, 34.62, 35.43, 35.69, 36.16), sim09 = c(36.49, 
    37.04, 35.62, 36.43, 36.69, 37.16), sim10 = c(37.49, 38.04, 
    36.62, 37.43, 37.69, 38.16), sim11 = c(38.49, 39.04, 37.62, 
    38.43, 38.69, 39.16), sim12 = c(39.49, 40.04, 38.62, 39.43, 
    39.69, 40.16), sim13 = c(40.49, 41.04, 39.62, 40.43, 40.69, 
    41.16), sim14 = c(41.49, 42.04, 40.62, 41.43, 41.69, 42.16
    ), sim15 = c(42.49, 43.04, 41.62, 42.43, 42.69, 43.16), sim16 = c(43.49, 
    44.04, 42.62, 43.43, 43.69, 44.16), sim17 = c(44.49, 45.04, 
    43.62, 44.43, 44.69, 45.16), sim18 = c(45.49, 46.04, 44.62, 
    45.43, 45.69, 46.16), sim19 = c(46.49, 47.04, 45.62, 46.43, 
    46.69, 47.16), sim20 = c(47.49, 48.04, 46.62, 47.43, 47.69, 
    48.16)), .Names = c("Year", "Month", "Site", "Day", "sim01", 
"sim02", "sim03", "sim04", "sim05", "sim06", "sim07", "sim08", 
"sim09", "sim10", "sim11", "sim12", "sim13", "sim14", "sim15", 
"sim16", "sim17", "sim18", "sim19", "sim20"), row.names = c(NA, 
6L), class = "data.frame")


Year Site Sim01... 
1975 G100 ...
1976 G100 ...
1977 G100 ...

只需要 c(12,1,2) 月份中的值。


2 回答 2




mylist <- list(a, a) # a is given at bottom of question

Lz <- lapply(mylist, read.zoo, index = 1:3, format = "%Y %m %d")
L2 <- lapply(Lz, rollapply, 3, sum, partial = TRUE)
L3 <- lapply(L2, function(z) aggregate(z, as.numeric(format(time(z), "%Y")), max))


> L3

     sim01 sim02 sim03 sim04 sim05  sim06  sim07  sim08  sim09  sim10  sim11
1975 86.28 89.28 92.28 95.28 98.28 101.28 104.28 107.28 110.28 113.28 116.28
      sim12  sim13  sim14  sim15  sim16  sim17  sim18  sim19  sim20
1975 119.28 122.28 125.28 128.28 131.28 134.28 137.28 140.28 143.28

     sim01 sim02 sim03 sim04 sim05  sim06  sim07  sim08  sim09  sim10  sim11
1975 86.28 89.28 92.28 95.28 98.28 101.28 104.28 107.28 110.28 113.28 116.28
      sim12  sim13  sim14  sim15  sim16  sim17  sim18  sim19  sim20
1975 119.28 122.28 125.28 128.28 131.28 134.28 137.28 140.28 143.28
于 2015-03-04T22:50:27.110 回答


lst1 <- lapply(list.files(pattern=".csv"),function(x) read.table(x,header=TRUE,sep="")) # read all files and data and replace -999.9 with NA

lst2<-lapply(lst1, function(x) x[x[["Month"]] %in% c(6,7,8),])#c(6,7,8) extract data for DJF for individual sites
lst3<-lapply(lst2, function(x) x[!(names(x) %in% c("Site"))])
Lz <- lapply(lst3, read.zoo, index = 1:3, format = "%Y %m %d")

L2 <- lapply(Lz, rollapply, 3, sum, partial = TRUE)
L3 <- lapply(L2, function(z) aggregate(z, as.numeric(format(time(z), "%Y")), max))

  x=L3, file=paste(names(L3), "csv", sep="."),
  MoreArgs=list(row.names=FALSE, sep=",")
) # write files to folder keeping the list names as file names
于 2015-03-05T03:19:57.213 回答