所以我试图找出离散对数问题和 RSA 之间的联系。我认为这就是以下问题试图做的事情。

Suppose you have an oracle which gives you the smallest positive x satisfying
the following congruence:
                                  g^x ≡ k (mod N) 
where N = p*q for some distinct primes p and q, and g and k are any integers.
We also have one more condition that (p -1)/2 and (q -1)/2 are both primes.

What is the quickest way to find p and q? i.e. factor N. 



1 回答 1


g^x = 1中,解决方案x将始终是 的除法器(p-1)*(q-1)。选择一些不同的 g 值,您可能会找到 的大多数因子(p-1)*(q-1)。而作为(p-1)(q-1) = N - p - q + 1,知道(p-1)(q-1)N导致知道p + q。知道N = p*qp+q就像知道一个矩形的周长和面积一样,可以快速求解pq

于 2015-03-03T23:25:26.953 回答