>>> import asyncio
>>> help(asyncio.wait)
Help on function wait in module asyncio.tasks:
wait(fs, *, loop=None, timeout=None, return_when='ALL_COMPLETED')
Wait for the Futures and coroutines given by fs to complete.
Coroutines will be wrapped in Tasks.
Returns two sets of Future: (done, pending).
done, pending = yield from asyncio.wait(fs)
Note: This does not raise TimeoutError! Futures that aren't done
when the timeout occurs are returned in the second set.
I dont quite understand last Note in this help (what is second set? is it pending/reprocessing set? how do I execute pending tasks and combine the results of both done and pending and then save in DB)
My problem: I'm using asyncio with aiohttp, have millions of urls , few of them might raise timeout error. I want to send them in a queue for reprocessing or it should take care by eventpool.
import asyncio
import aiohttp
sem = asyncio.Semaphore(10)
def process_data(url):
with (yield from sem):
response = yield from aiohttp.request('GET', url)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
c = asyncio.wait([process_data(url) for url in url_list], timeout=10)
PS: I'm not using wait_for