
df.loc[i] = [df.iloc[0][0], i, np.nan]

where是我在该语句所在i的循环中使用的迭代变量,是我导入的 numpy 模块,并且是一个看起来像这样的 DataFrame:fornpdf

   build_number   name  cycles
0           390  adpcm   21598
1           390    aes    5441
2           390  dfadd     463
3           390  dfdiv    1323
4           390  dfmul     167
5           390  dfsin   39589
6           390    gsm    6417
7           390   mips    4205
8           390  mpeg2    1993
9           390    sha  348417

如您所见,我的代码中的语句用于将新行插入到我的 DataFrame中,并用一个值df填充下面的最后一列(在新插入的行中)。cyclesNaN


/usr/local/bin/ipython:28: SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

See the the caveats in the documentation: http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/indexing.html#indexing-view-versus-copy



在此处编辑 应@EdChum 的要求,我在使用上述语句的函数中添加了以下内容:

def patch_missing_benchmarks(refined_dataframe):
Patches up a given DataFrame, ensuring that all build_numbers have the complete
set of benchmark names, inserting NaN values at the column where the data is
supposed to be residing in.

* refined_dataframe
DataFrame that was returned from the remove_early_retries() function and that 
contains no duplicates of benchmarks within a given build number and also has been
sorted nicely to ensure that build numbers are in alphabetical order.
However, this function can also accept the DataFrame that has not been sorted, so
long as it has no repitition of benchmark names within a given build number.

* patched_benchmark_df
DataFrame with all Build numbers filled with the complete set of benchmark data,
with those previously missing benchmarks now having NaN values for their data.
patched_df_list = []
benchmark_list = ['adpcm', 'aes', 'blowfish', 'dfadd', 'dfdiv', 'dfmul', 
                'dfsin', 'gsm', 'jpeg', 'mips', 'mpeg2', 'sha']
benchmark_series = pd.Series(data = benchmark_list)

for number in refined_dataframe['build_number'].drop_duplicates().values:
  # df must be a DataFrame whose data has been sorted according to build_number
  # followed by benchmark name
  df = refined_dataframe.query('build_number == %d' % number)

  # Now we compare the benchmark names present in our section of the DataFrame
  # with the Series containing the complete collection of Benchmark names and 
  # get back a boolean DataFrame telling us precisely what benchmark names 
  # are missing
  boolean_bench = benchmark_series.isin(df['name'])
  list_names = []
  for i in range(0, len(boolean_bench)):
    if boolean_bench[i] == False:
      name_to_insert = benchmark_series[i]
  print 'These are the missing benchmarks for build number',number,':'
  print list_names

  for i in list_names:
    # create a new row with index that is benchmark name itself to avoid overwriting 
    # any existing data, then insert the right values into that row, filling in the 
    # space name with the right benchmark name, and missing data with NaN
    df.loc[i] = [df.iloc[0][0], i, np.nan]  

    patched_for_benchmarks_df = df.sort_index(by=['build_number',
                                          'name']).reset_index(drop = True)


  # we make sure we call a dropna method at threshold 2 to drop those rows whose benchmark
  # names as well as cycles names are NaN, leaving behind the newly inserted rows with
  # benchmark names but that now have the data as NaN values
  patched_benchmark_df = pd.concat(objs = patched_df_list, ignore_index = 
                               True).sort_index(by= ['build_number',
                              'name']).dropna(thresh = 2).reset_index(drop = True)

  return patched_benchmark_df

1 回答 1



In [344]:

for i in range(len(df)):
    df.loc[i,'cycles'] = np.nan
   build_number   name  cycles
0           390  adpcm     NaN
1           390    aes     NaN
2           390  dfadd     NaN
3           390  dfdiv     NaN
4           390  dfmul     NaN
5           390  dfsin     NaN
6           390    gsm     NaN
7           390   mips     NaN
8           390  mpeg2     NaN
9           390    sha     NaN

如果您只想设置整个列,则无需循环,只需执行以下操作:df['cycles'] = np.NaN

于 2015-02-26T09:09:14.233 回答