下面是 subshell 版本的简单演示脚本:
reps=6 # vars in the parent are available in the subshell
f() { echo "$@"; } # a function in the parent is available in the subshell
f "starting"
# this read represents a startup delay for setup, etc., and/or user interaction
read -p "continue now? "
( # start the subshell
for ((i=1; i<=reps; i++))
f "$var" > "/tmp/bg.$$.$i"
# $$ will be meaningless when the parent script exits
# because, though it will have the value of the PID of the parent script
# the parent script will have exited leaving PID=1 (init) as the PPID of the subshell
# However $BASHPID will be the PID of the backgrounded subshell
sleep 10 # busy work
) & # put it in the background
f "process running in background"
f "ending parent"
顺便说一句,如果子shell 没有被发送到后台,它对其环境的更改将不会对其父级可用(无论如何,在上面的演示中也是如此)。