我有一个问题,我需要这样做(当我单击 Viewport3D 时知道 X、Y、Z 坐标的代码,它显示了使用 Kinect 获得的 3D 图像):
bool success;
Viewport3DVisual viewport3DVisual = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(GraphicsViewport) as Viewport3DVisual;
DependencyObject visual = new DependencyObject();
Matrix3D screenTransform = MathUtils.TryTransformTo2DAncestor(visual, out viewport3DVisual, out success);
if (success)
Point3D scenePoint = new Point3D(mouseLocation.X, mouseLocation.Y, 0);
Point3D screenPoint = screenTransform.Transform(scenePoint);
MessageBox.Show("screenPoint: " + screenPoint.X + " " + screenPoint.Y + " " + screenPoint.Z);
if (screenTransform.HasInverse)
Matrix3D reverseTransform = screenTransform;
Point3D pointOnScreen = new Point3D(mouseLocation.X, mouseLocation.Y, 1); // you need to choose the z-depth
Point3D pointInWorld = reverseTransform.Transform(pointOnScreen);
MessageBox.Show("pointInWorld: " + pointInWorld.X + " " + pointInWorld.Y + " " + pointInWorld.Z);
但是当我运行代码时,它给了我 MathUtils.cs 上的异常:
if (!(visual is Visual3D))
throw new ArgumentException("Must be of type Visual3D.", "visual");
我试图将 DependencyObject 类型更改为 Visual3D,但我不知道该怎么做。