
我有一个自定义类型A,它具有自然排序(有operator<)和多个替代排序(区分大小写、不区分大小写等)。现在我有一个std::pair(或std::tuple)由(一个或多个)组成A。以下是一些我想比较的类型示例:std::pair<A, int>, std::pair<int, A>, std::tuple<A, int, int>, std::tuple<int, A, int>. 我如何使用默认的逐元素比较实现来比较std::pair(或),插入我的比较函数?std::tupleA



#include <utility>      // std::pair
#include <tuple>        // std::tuple
#include <iostream>     // std::cout, std::endl

struct A
    A(char v) : value(v) {}
    char value;

// LOCATION-1 (explained in the text below)

int main()
        << "Testing std::pair of primitive types: "
        << (std::pair<char, int>('A', 1)
            std::pair<char, int>('a', 0))
        << std::endl;

        << "Testing std::tuple of primitive types: "
        << (std::tuple<char, int, double>('A', 1, 1.0)
            std::tuple<char, int, double>('a', 0, 0.0))
        << std::endl;

    // This doesn't compile:
        << "Testing std::pair of custom types: "
        << (std::pair<A, int>('A', 1)
            std::pair<A, int>('a', 0))
        << std::endl;

    return 0;

这是因为operator<没有为struct A. 将其添加到LOCATION-1上面将解决问题:

bool operator<(A const& lhs, A const& rhs)
    return lhs.value < rhs.value;

现在,我们有另一种排序方式struct A

bool case_insensitive_less_than(A const& lhs, A const& rhs)
    char const lhs_value_case_insensitive
        = ('a' <= lhs.value && lhs.value <= 'z'
            ? (lhs.value + 0x20)
            : lhs.value);
    char const rhs_value_case_insensitive
        = ('a' <= rhs.value && rhs.value <= 'z'
            ? (rhs.value + 0x20)
            : rhs.value);
    return lhs_value_case_insensitive < rhs_value_case_insensitive;

假设我们想保留原来operator<的 for struct A(区分大小写的),我们如何std::pair<A, int>与这种替代排序进行比较?

我知道添加operator<for的专用版本可以std::pair<A, int>解决问题:

bool operator<(std::pair<A, int> const& lhs, std::pair<A, int> const& rhs)
    return (case_insensitive_less_than(lhs.first, rhs.first)
        ? true
        : case_insensitive_less_than(rhs.first, lhs.first)
        ? false
        : (lhs.second < rhs.second));



其次,我几乎无法相信这是解决问题的最佳实践方法:想象我们必须为operator<以下每个类定义一个专门的版本:std::tuple<A, int, int>, std::tuple<int, A, int>, std::tuple<int, int, A>, std::tuple<A, A, int>, ... (这甚至不是一种实用的方法!)

重新使用编写良好的内置operator<forstd::tuple并插入我less-than的 forstruct A将是我想要的。可能吗?提前致谢!


1 回答 1


简单的方法是手动编写compare( tup, tup, f )用于f按字典顺序比较元组中的元素的方法。但这很无聊。

// This type wraps a reference of type X&&
// it then overrides == and < with L and E respectively
template<class X, class L, class E>
struct reorder_ref {
  using ref = reorder_ref;
  X&& x;
  friend bool operator<(ref lhs, ref rhs) {
    return L{}((X&&) lhs.x, (X&&) rhs.x);
  friend bool operator==(ref lhs, ref rhs) {
    return E{}((X&&) lhs.x, (X&&) rhs.x);
  // other comparison ops based off `==` and `<` go here
  friend bool operator!=(ref lhs, ref rhs){return !(lhs==rhs);}
  friend bool operator>(ref lhs, ref rhs){return rhs<lhs;}
  friend bool operator<=(ref lhs, ref rhs){return !(lhs>rhs);}
  friend bool operator>=(ref lhs, ref rhs){return !(lhs<rhs);}

  reorder_ref(X&& x_) : x((X&&) x_) {}
  reorder_ref(reorder_ref const&) = default;


// a type tag, to pass a type to a function:
template<class X>class tag{using type=X;};

// This type takes a less than and equals stateless functors
// and takes as input a tuple, and builds a tuple of reorder_refs
// basically it uses L and E to compare the elements, but otherwise
// uses std::tuple's lexographic comparison code.
template<class L, class E>
struct reorder_tuple {
  // indexes trick:
  template<class Tuple, class R, size_t... Is>
  R operator()(tag<R>, std::index_sequence<Is...>, Tuple const& in) const {
    // use indexes trick to do conversion
    return R( std::get<Is>(in)... );

  // forward to the indexes trick above:
  template<class... Ts, class R=std::tuple<reorder_ref<Ts const&, L, E>...>>
  R operator()(std::tuple<Ts...> const& in) const {
    return (*this)(tag<R>{}, std::index_sequence_for<Ts...>{}, in);
  // pair filter:
  template<class... Ts, class R=std::pair<reorder_ref<Ts const&, L, E>...>>
  R operator()(std::pair<Ts...> const& in) const {
    return (*this)(tag<R>{}, std::index_sequence_for<Ts...>{}, in);

上面的无状态函数对象接受了一些新的 less 和 equals 操作,并将任何元组映射到 的元组reorder_ref<const T, ...>,这将分别更改顺序为LE


// This takes a type-specific ordering stateless function type, and turns
// it into a generic ordering function type
template<template<class...> class order>
struct generic_order {
  template<class T>
  bool operator()(T const& lhs, T const& rhs) const {
    return order<T>{}(lhs, rhs);

所以如果我们有一个template<class T>class Z这样的 sZ<T>上的排序T,上面给你一个对任何东西的通用排序。

下一个是我的最爱。它接受类型 T,并根据到类型 U 的映射对其进行排序。这非常有用:

// Suppose there is a type X for which we have an ordering L
// and we have a map O from Y->X.  This builds an ordering on
// (Y lhs, Y rhs) -> L( O(lhs), O(rhs) ).  We "order" our type
// "by" the projection of our type into another type.  For
// a concrete example, imagine we have an "id" structure with a name
// and age field.  We can write a function "return s.age;" to
// map our id type into ints (age).  If we order by that map,
// then we order the "id" by age.
template<class O, class L = std::less<>>
struct order_by {
  template<class T, class U>
  bool operator()(T&& t, U&& u) const {
    return L{}( O{}((T&&) t), O{}((U&&) u) );


// Here is where we build a special order.  Suppose we have a template Z<X> that returns
// a stateless order on type X.  This takes that ordering, and builds an ordering on
// tuples based on it, using the above code as glue:
template<template<class...>class Less, template<class...>class Equals=std::equal_to>
using tuple_order = order_by< reorder_tuple< generic_order<Less>, generic_order<Equals> > >;

tuple_order为我们完成大部分工作。我们只需要为它提供一个按元素排序的template无状态函数对象。 tuple_order然后将基于它生成一个元组排序仿函数。

// Here is a concrete use of the above
// my_less is a sorting functiont that sorts everything else the usual way
// but it sorts Foo's backwards
// Here is a toy type.  It wraps an int.  By default, it sorts in the usual way
struct Foo {
  int value = 0;
  // usual sort:
  friend bool operator<( Foo lhs, Foo rhs ) {
    return lhs.value<rhs.value;
  friend bool operator==( Foo lhs, Foo rhs ) {
    return lhs.value==rhs.value;

template<class T>
struct my_less : std::less<T> {};

// backwards sort:
struct my_less<Foo> {
  bool operator()(Foo const& lhs, Foo const& rhs) const {
    return rhs.value < lhs.value;

using special_order = tuple_order< my_less >;


special_order可以传递给std::mapor std::set,它将对my_less替换元素的默认顺序时遇到的任何元组或对进行排序。

于 2015-02-22T15:52:07.577 回答