I'm having a problem with my enums..
In my header file i declare the enums as followed:
typedef enum {not_received, received, restart} envelop_status_type;
typedef enum { busy, done, error} ZCD_status_type;
* external variables
extern volatile envelop_status_type envelop_status;
extern volatile ZCD_status_type ZCD_status;
In my c file i declare them as followed:
volatile envelop_status_type envelop_status;
volatile ZCD_status_type ZCD_status;
In all other c files i dont redeclare them, i just use them as followed:
if(envelop_status == received)
ZCD_status = busy;
The errors are:
- conflicting types for 'envelop_status_type'
- conflicting types for 'envelop_status'
- conflicting types for 'envelop_status'
- conflicting types for 'ZCD_status_type'
- conflicting types for 'ZCD_status'
- conflicting types for 'ZCD_status'
- redeclaration of enumerator 'busy'
- redeclaration of enumerator 'done'
- redeclaration of enumerator 'error'
- redeclaration of enumerator 'not_received'
- redeclaration of enumerator 'received'
- redeclaration of enumerator 'restart'
as environment i'm using LPCXpresso and i'm programming an LPC1343 µController.