我的公司想停止使用 GP,但想保留 Great Plains 2010 系统中的所有历史数据(用于报告)。有人可以建议我是否可以在许可证到期后备份 Great Plains 数据库并从旧数据库在 SSRS 中运行报告?请告知最好的方法应该是什么。
1 回答
If your reports currently run correctly in SSRS you are good to go - there is no SSRS dependency on Dynamics GP (just the SQL database.)
You can easily test this scenario. Create a new SQL Server Instance. Take a backup of your existing GP company database(s) and restore them to the new SQL Server instance (configure security the same as your production instance.) Now, create copies of your reports and give them a new data source pointing to the new SQL Server instance. Verify that all of the copied reports run successfully.
This is the equivelent to not using GP any longer as there will be no application pointing at the restored databases - just plain old SSRS reports reading from a SQL database.