我正在尝试将我的部署代理连接到来自不同域的 RM 客户端。我创建了一个影子帐户和所有其他帐户。但它仍然无法正常工作。我能够连接到同一个域。我的 RM 客户端和服务器在同一台机器 (VM) 上。并且我的部署代理位于不同的工作组域中。(一切都在 VM 中)我从日志文件中收到以下错误。

   Created Nt account for user RM.user1
   Found Sid S-1-5-21-2704102820-366803756-3152234569-1011 for user RM.user1
   Is RM.user1 network service account? False 
   Created Nt account for user RM.user1
   Found Sid S-1-5-21-2704102820-366803756-3152234569-1011 for user RM.user1
   Is RM.user1 local system account? False 
   Final UserName: SVWP500\RM.user1.
   Loading account details for SVWP500\RM.user1
   Is SVWP500\RM.user1 local machine account? True 
Normalized account is SVWP500\RM.user1 and Sid is S-1-5-21-2704102820-366803756-3152234569-1011
Validating account to use as identity for Release Management Services...
IsAdminAccount : Trying to determine if the account : SVWP500\RM.user1 is an admin on the local machine
IsAdminAccount : Trying to determine if the account : SVWP500\RM.user1 is an admin on the local machine
User SVWP500\RM.user1 is system, Admin 
Validated account to use as identity for Release Management Services.
Validating Release Management Server for Team Foundation Server 2013....

ServiceUserIsServiceUser="1" InstallerUserIsReleaseManager="1" />, Release Management Server for Team Foundation Server 2013 validation succeeded.

Received Exception : System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation.
   at System.Security.Cryptography.Utils.SetKeySetSecurityInfo(SafeProvHandle hProv, CryptoKeySecurity cryptoKeySecurity, AccessControlSections accessControlSections)
   at System.Security.Cryptography.Utils.GetKeyPairHelper(CspAlgorithmType keyType, CspParameters parameters, Boolean randomKeyContainer, Int32 dwKeySize, SafeProvHandle& safeProvHandle, SafeKeyHandle& safeKeyHandle)
   at System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider.GetKeyPair()
   at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.CommonConfiguration.Helpers.CryptoHelper.<.ctor>b__2(CspParameters container)
   at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.CommonConfiguration.Helpers.CryptoHelper.ConfigureDeployerCryptoKey(String userName)
   at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.CommonConfiguration.DeployerConfigurationManager.Configure()
   at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.WorkerThreadStart(Object argument)
Work completed for GetConfiguration() call : got out of turn error

Please help on this.

1 回答 1


您用于注册部署代理的帐户似乎没有访问发布管理的权限。因为 Team Foundation 验证之后的下一步是更新部署配置。

I, 2015/02/13, 08:25:54.156, Release Management Server for Team Foundation Server 2013 validation succeeded.
I, 2015/02/13, 08:25:54.236, Updating Microsoft Deployment Agent 2013 configuration settings...
V, 2015/02/13, 08:25:54.238, Successfully read Release Management deployer registry key, installation path is C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Release Management\
V, 2015/02/13, 08:25:54.251, Opening configuration file C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Release Management\bin\Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Release.Data.dll.config


  1. 在 DomainA\RMServer 和 DomainB\DeploymentAgentServer 机器上创建本地用户 (RMServer)。将用户添加到管理员组

  2. 在 DomainA\RMServer 和 DomainB\DeploymentAgentServer 机器上创建本地用户 (DeployAgent)。将用户添加到管理员组

  3. 从 Release Management 客户端添加 .\RMServer 帐户并授予“Service User”和“Release Manager”权限(请注意 windows 帐户测试框不要使用 machinename\user,只需添加 .\user)

  4. 从发布管理客户端添加 .\DeployAgent 帐户并授予“服务用户”(请注意 Windows 帐户文本框不要使用机器名\用户,只需添加 .\用户)

  5. 以 DeployAgent 用户身份在 DomainB\DeploymentAgentServer 上安装部署代理(在步骤 2 中创建)

我正在使用Microsoft & Wouter de Kort博客

于 2015-02-13T08:30:51.593 回答