我试图通过检查 waitpid() 的结果来确定执行是否失败。但是,即使我运行一个我知道失败的命令并将问题写入 stderr,下面的检查也不会注册。这段代码可能有什么问题?
pid_t pid; // the child process that the execution runs inside of.
int ret; // exit status of child process.
child = fork();
if (pid == -1)
// issue with forking
else if (pid == 0)
execvp(thingToRun, ThingToRunArray); // thingToRun is the program name, ThingToRunArray is
// programName + input params to it + NULL.
else // We're in the parent process.
if (waitpid(pid, &ret, 0) == -1)
// Log an error.
if (!WIFEXITED(ret)) // If there was an error with the child process.