知道为什么我会得到这个。我可以从本地计算机成功 ping 服务器。哪个 sshpass 显示有效输出,我正在使用 Cygwin64。

$ sshpass -p loriK0ba scp SSUA-HG.war SSUA-RCd.war loki12:/tmp/ARUNKS
lost connection

要安装 sshpass,我按照以下步骤操作,-V 显示有效输出:

#       IMPORTANT: You need to have sshpass utility installed on your local machine.
#       ============================================================================
#       HOW to get sshpass:
#       STEPS: Run the following commands in Cygwin console window - This is a one time action.
#             a. cd /cygdrive/c
#             b. wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/sshpass/sshpass/1.05/sshpass-1.05.tar.gz
#             c. tar -xvzpf sshpass-1.05.tar.gz
#             d. cd sshpass-1.05
#             e. sh configure
#             f. make install
#             g. which sshpass
#       ============================================================================


sh configure; sleep 5; make install; sleep 5; which sshpass

sshpass 的版本是:

$ sshpass -V
sshpass 1.05 (C) 2006-2011 Lingnu Open Source Consulting Ltd.
This program is free software, and can be distributed under the terms of the GPL
See the COPYING file for more information.

PS:当我使用以下命令运行 sshpass 时,它不会出错,但也不会在目标服务器上创建 giga.txt 文件(因此它没有达到/做任何事情)。本地机器(运行 Cygwin 的地方)和目标机器上都存在相同的用户(区分大小写)。

sshpass -p loriK0ba ssh -q loki12 'rm -rf /tmp/ARUNKS/* 2>/dev/null; mkdir /tmp/ARUNKS 2>/dev/null'

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