我的pm2有问题。我的开始 json 是
"apps" : [{
"name" : "sails",
"script" : "app.js",
"log_date_format" : "DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm Z",
"ignoreWatch" : ["[\\/\\\\]\\./", "node_modules", ".tmp", "views", "assets", ".idea"],
"watch" : true
pm2 start dev.json
PM2 无限重启并显示此消息
PM2: 2015-02-11 14:56:39: Change detected for app name: sails - restarting
PM2: 2015-02-11 14:56:39: Process with pid 5766 still not killed, retrying...
PM2: 2015-02-11 14:56:39: App closed with code: 0
PM2: 2015-02-11 14:56:39: App name:sails id:0 exited
PM2: 2015-02-11 14:56:40: Process with pid 5766 killed
PM2: 2015-02-11 14:56:40: Starting execution sequence in -fork mode- for app name:sails id:0
PM2: 2015-02-11 14:56:40: App name:sails id:0 online
但是没有文件被改变。在sails 注销调试消息后,似乎是PM2 重新启动。有任何想法吗?