
I have no idea how to connect to the praetorian api, as I have never done any work outside of my own server(s), and am not familiar with how token authentication works etc.

Can someone provide more info as to how I can access these challenges vs the instructions given on the site?

I can get the initial level 0 and its hash to appear but I don't know how to send a post or get to the api itself or if that is even what is being asked. *eg in a very dumbed down "type this in the terminal" or replace this with ___", as I literally don't understand what is being said.

Also I have no idea how to get a token from the server, or if that is something outside of ruby.


1 回答 1


如果您需要一种非常基本的方式来通过 UI 与 API 进行交互,请尝试使用POSTMAN。我使用这种方法达到了 4 级。但老实说,如果与 API 交互给您带来麻烦……您会遇到一些沉重的#crypto #pain。我知道Praetorian 设定的标准相当高。


于 2015-02-07T17:24:44.077 回答