我正在使用 MAC maverics 操作系统。通过 android studio 安装 Android sdk 并通过 bash 配置文件设置 Android_home 和路径。当我输入以下命令时,我可以在终端中看到主路径

$ echo $ANDROID_HOME /Users/balaji/Library/Android/sdk

当我尝试从 Eclipse 启动脚本时,我收到错误,因为 Error building server: io.selendroid.server.common.exceptions.SelendroidException: Environment variable 'ANDROID_HOME' was not found!



1 回答 1


I had the same issue.

Please try to set ANDROID_HOME as an environment variable in eclipse. This is how it's done:

  1. select the class you wanna run
  2. right click on it
  3. go to: run as -> run configurations -> environment
  4. here you can add the variable ANDROID_HOME with the path to your android sdk

I hope it will help you solve your issue.

于 2015-03-10T12:57:09.043 回答