首先,我们完全清楚,一年前我也上过 Java 课程。我有基础,但很生疏。我尝试自己编写俄罗斯方块,但卡住了几天,所以我决定查找一个教程。我在http://zetcode.com/tutorials/javagamestutorial/tetris/上查看了“教程”,但它几乎不是教程,而只是代码。所以,为了帮助自己更好地理解它,为了编写我自己的俄罗斯方块,我拿了代码,简化了它,改变了一两件事,并且我觉得每一行都写了注释。

我只是在找人来确认代码是否真的在做我认为它正在做的事情。更具体地说,使用枚举部分、旋转和随机方法。谢谢你的任何时间,我知道我咬得比我能咀嚼的还要多,但是通过查找许多教程和视频并阅读我的 Java 书籍,我已经学到了很多东西,我现在不想停下来.


package tetris; //keeps things tidy

import java.util.Random;  //needed for when the random shape generator is used
import java.lang.Math;
import java.util.Arrays;

public class Shape {

    enum Tetrominoes { NoShape, SShape, ZShape, IShape,     //enum allows to predefine a set of constants and group them together
                       TShape, OShape, LShape, FShape };    //This is also used to positionally search the array later on using the ordinal() function

    private Tetrominoes TetrisShape;                        //variable stores one of our many Tetrominoes at a time, see enum^
    private int IndividualBlockCoordinates[][];             //this array is used to hold the actual coordinates of the Blocks on the board
    private int[][][] ShapeCoordinates;                     //this 3-dimensional array holds pairs of the coordinates of each Tetrominoe if they were centered at (0,0)
                                                            //centering at (0,0) instead of using that as a starting Block is really preference, but allows for bettering 
                                                            //centering of Blocks on the board later
    public Shape()                                          //this is the constructor of the class, it is automatically ran because it is a constructor,
    {                                                       //have your constructor run methods in order to run them without having to call them individually
        IndividualBlockCoordinates = new int[4][2];    //-----------------> this array is used to hold the actual coordinates of the Blocks on the board                                                    
        setShape(Tetrominoes.NoShape);  //------|            each line of the array holds a pair of X and Y coordinates for each block of 
                                        //      |            the tetromino
    }                                   //      |----------------------------->This is THE purpose of the Shape object/class this calls the 
                                        //                                      setShape method, which gets the ShapeCoordinates and BlockCoordinates

    public void setShape(Tetrominoes shape)            //"shape" takes on one of the 8 Tetrominoes 
         ShapeCoordinates = new int[][][] 
                    { { 0, 0 },  { 0, 0 },   { 0, 0 },   { 0, 0 } }, //NoShape
                    { { 0,-1 },  { 0, 0 },   {-1, 0 },   {-1, 1 } }, //SShape
                    { { 0,-1 },  { 0, 0 },   { 1, 0 },   { 1, 1 } }, //ZShape
                    { { 0,-1 },  { 0, 0 },   { 0, 1 },   { 0, 2 } }, //IShape
                    { {-1, 0 },  { 0, 0 },   { 1, 0 },   { 0, 1 } }, //TShape
                    { { 0, 0 },  { 1, 0 },   { 0, 1 },   { 1, 1 } }, //OShape
                    { {-1,-1 },  { 0,-1 },   { 0, 0 },   { 0, 1 } }, //LShape
                    { { 1,-1 },  { 0,-1 },   { 0, 0 },   { 0, 1 } }  //FShape
                                                                            //this nested for loop is the money maker right here. With each loop through, it stores 1 value
         for (int i = 0; i < 4 ; i++)                                       //in the IndvidualBlockCorrdinates, therefore, every two loop throughs will provide the x and y value for a singular block
            {                                                               //with 8 total loops, it return the pair of coordinates for each of the 4 blocks in a Tetronimoe
                for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
                        IndividualBlockCoordinates[i][j] = ShapeCoordinates[shape.ordinal()][i][j];
         TetrisShape = shape;       //stores one of the 8 tetronimoes in TetrisShape???

    private void setX(int index, int x) 
        IndividualBlockCoordinates[index][0] = x;    //sets the first element on row (index (0,1,2, or 3)) to x
    private void setY(int index, int y) 
        IndividualBlockCoordinates[index][1] = y;    //sets the second element on row (index (0,1,2, or 3)) to y
    public int x(int index) 
        return IndividualBlockCoordinates[index][0]; //returns the first element on row (index (0,1,2, or 3)) to x
    public int y(int index)
        return IndividualBlockCoordinates[index][1]; //returns the second element on row (index (0,1,2, or 3)) to y
    public Tetrominoes getShape()  
        return TetrisShape;                         //returns a TetrisShape(one of the 8 tetronimoes) which also holds individual block coordinates

    public void setRandomShape()
        Random randomGenerator = new Random();          //random number generator
        int randomInt = randomGenerator.nextInt(7);     //picks random numbers from 0 to 7
        Tetrominoes[] values = Tetrominoes.values();    //Tetrominoes array name values holds 8 shapes
        setShape(values[randomInt+1]);                  //setShape method is called on one of the 8 shapes represented by values+1, so 1-8 position in enum 
    }                                                   //for example, values[2] retruns enum position 2, or SShape

    public int minY()                                   //returns the lowest Y coordinate of each block
      int m = IndividualBlockCoordinates[0][0];         //initialiezes m, the variable used to find the lowest coordinate to 0,0 in the array
      for (int i=0; i < 3; i++) {
          m = Math.min(m, IndividualBlockCoordinates[i][1]);  //this runs through the first two sets of coordinates and stores the lower of the two
      }                                                       //as m, it only has to check twice because the lowest coordinate of each piece can be
      return m;                                               //found within the first two blocks. m is compared to each of the two, the lowest one is then stored
    }                                                         //as a new m. It will always be 0 or negative 1

    public Shape rotate()                           
        Shape RotatedPiece = new Shape();
        RotatedPiece.TetrisShape = TetrisShape;         //Rotated Tetris Shape now because stored as Tetris Shape
     for(int i=0; i<4; i++)                             
         for(int j=0; j<4; j++)
                RotatedPiece.setX(i, y(i));             //Sets new X value for each piece one by one
                RotatedPiece.setY(i, -x(i));            //Sets new Y value for each piece one by one

     return RotatedPiece;                               //returns the rotated piece with new coordinates

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