我的意图是使用杰克逊拥有像 JSON 中的多态集合,也许在标签的帮助下。


我的 yaml 文件是:

age: 27
job: dev
name: me
- !devSkill {
  description: 'software development',
  name: android,
  language: java, c++
  years: 7
- !softSkill {
  description: 'good person',
  name: <3,
  reason: lots of NGO work
- !sportsSkill {
  description: 'racing legend',
  name: vrooom,
  championships: - San Marino 2012
                 - San Marino 2015

代码中的哪个将映射到具有(抽象?)带有描述和名称的 BaseSkill 以及 3 个子项:dev、soft 和 sports 的层次结构。

我的问题是,我对 SnakeYAML 的文档的理解不足以允许这样做。我目前的选择是:

Constructor constructor = new Constructor(Person.class);
TypeDescription carDescription = new TypeDescription(Person.class);
                carDescription.putListPropertyType("skills", SportsSkill.class);
                carDescription.putListPropertyType("skills", SoftSkill.class);
                carDescription.putListPropertyType("skills", DevSkill.class);
                // Apparently the last is the winner here because it overrides

Representer representer = new Representer();
                representer.addClassTag(Person.class, new Tag("!person"));
                representer.addClassTag(SoftSkill.class, new Tag("!Softkill"));
                representer.addClassTag(DevSkill.class, new Tag("!devSkill"));
                representer.addClassTag(SportsSkill.class, new Tag("!portsSkill"));

DumperOptions options = new DumperOptions();
Yaml yaml = new Yaml(constructor, representer, options);


E/YAML﹕ Can't construct a java object for tag:yaml.org,2002:app.yamlmodel.Person; exception=Cannot create property=skills for JavaBean=Person(name=me, job=dev, age=27, skills=null); null; Can't construct a java object for !sportSkill; exception=Invalid tag: !sportSkill
    in "<reader>", line 1, column 1:
    name: me

1 回答 1


该线程已过时,但我找到了解决方案,希望它仍然可以帮助某人。您的错误是您应该将标签和类型描述符添加到构造函数并让 SnakeYaml 找出对象结构。在你的情况下:

Constructor constructor = new Constructor(Person.class);
constructor.addTypeDescription(new TypeDescription(SoftSkill.class, new Tag("!softkill"));
constructor.addTypeDescription(new TypeDescription(DevSkill.class, new Tag("!devkill"));
constructor.addTypeDescription(new TypeDescription(SportsSkill.class, new Tag("!sportskill"));

你没有提到你使用的 SnakeYaml 版本,但我使用的是 1.16

于 2016-01-19T09:20:28.927 回答