I'm trying to upgrade our Spring version and use Spring IO Platform BOM to do so, but a few of our classes have gone missing (moved into other artifacts) or are no longer dependencies of some thing I was pulling in. I'm trying to find out which package they were originally part of (one example is CSVStrategy ). Some of these dependencies such as WhitespaceTokenizer
have over a dozen artifact names that could be supplying it, and in order to find the correct upgrade path I need to figure out where it's currently coming from.
2123 次
2 回答
一种可能的方法是获取资源(类)位置。如果该类来自 jar 文件,您至少会获得 jar 名称。从中您应该能够识别 Maven 工件。
或者使用 ResourceLoader 和记录器,您可以打印类路径/servlet 路径上所有类的列表。
ResourceLoader resourceLoader;
public void printResourceLocations() {
PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver resolver = new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver(resourceLoader);
Resource[] resources = resolver.getResources("classpath*:com/**/*.class"));
for (Resource resource : resources) {
// Not sure if that works, probably getFile() is ok?
于 2015-01-27T17:56:34.883 回答
我过去曾使用JBoss Tattletale来完成此类任务。我认为它不再被积极维护,但它仍然对我有用。这是我使用的配置。请注意,我必须将此添加到我的 POM 的构建部分,即使目标“报告”似乎暗示它是一个报告插件。
<!-- The version of the plugin you want to use -->
<!-- This is the location which will be scanned for generating tattletale reports -->
<!-- This is where the reports will be generated -->
于 2015-01-27T21:12:36.937 回答