Have set up my website on github pages: w8tiles I use buildmypinnedsite to create all the markup and images. I open the site in ie11 on windows 8.1. Add the site to the applications and see an ie logo with some random background color(that is usually the same for all sites I add). I pin the site to start and its still an ie logo with some background color that doesnt match the one I define in browserconfig.xml. Below is the code to set the background and tile in html. Same code is in the browserconfig.

<meta name="msapplication-TileColor" content="#603cba">
<meta name="msapplication-TileImage" content="mstile-144x144.png">

The question is: what am I doing wrong and why the images I add as a tiles are ignored? Note: I added all the images to the root and checked that they are all available via the link + browserconfig.xml is available too.

The detailed desciption of the issue is listed here


1 回答 1



  1. 默认情况下,您需要 IE 作为您的浏览器。或者动态磁贴未更新。即使默认情况下它是您的浏览器并且图块是实时的,一旦您制作 chrome、opera 或任何其他浏览器,您的浏览器默认实时更新也会停止。

  2. IE 应该处于 Metro 模式。如果它处于通常模式,则将检索 favicon 并忽略 browserconfig.xml 或任何元标记。在这种情况下,瓷砖背景也是由网站图标颜色设置的(不确定它是如何计算的,但取决于你的网站图标的颜色,瓷砖的颜色将被设置)。

您可以在github 问题中找到更多详细信息。

于 2015-02-05T12:26:13.253 回答