我在下面的代码中的目标是检查超过小数点后两位的输入,然后抛出异常。不过,我似乎无法正确理解。我正在尝试使用 indexOf 来获取小数点,然后我想检查它之后部分的长度。如果它大于 2,我希望它抛出异常。有人对这种情况有一些提示吗?
public ChangeJar(final String amount) {
int i = amount.indexOf('.');
String temp = amount.substring(i + 2);
if(temp.length() > 2 ){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too many decimal places!");
if (amount == null || Double.parseDouble(amount) < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("amount cannot be null!");
double amt;
try {
amt = Double.parseDouble(amount);
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid entry. Format is 0.00.");
public ChangeJar(final ChangeJar other){
if(other == null){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Values cannot be null!");
this(other.quarters, other.dimes, other.nickels, other.pennies);
All suggestions are appreciated!