I am trying to create a search form where a user will be able to enter text and the backend will run PgSearch.multisearch in order to retrieve values from a Customer and Account model.
I have set up my two models according to the pg_search gem's page. When I run a PgSearch.multisearch("foo") in my rails console it returns results as expected.
My question is how do I display all relevant results in my view? (Can't seem to figure this one out)
Currently my controller looks like this (params[:search][:token] == "foo"):
def create
if @search.validate(params[:search])
@pg_search_documents = PgSearch.multisearch(params[:search][:token])
respond_with(@pg_search_documents, :location => search_index_path)
respond_with(@search, :location => search_index_path)
In my view I tried:
- @pg_search_documents.each do |pg_search_document|
= pg_search_document.searchable.id
I keep on getting an error stating "undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass"
What I'd like to achieve is to display all results in my view.
Running PgSearch.multisearch("foo") in console returns:
#<ActiveRecord::Relation [#<PgSearch::Document id: 6, content: "foo", searchable_id: 10, searchable_type: "Customer", created_at: "2015-01-20 22:29:31", updated_at: "2015-01-20 22:29:31">]>
When I render PgSearch.multisearch(params[:search][:token]) as text in my browser it only shows a "#".
I figured that this is normal behaviour for a ActiveRecord::Relation, as the same output structures occur when I try to output the results of a AR scope in console vs browser.
Can somebody please provide some help?