DateUtils 中的setMonths
public static Date setMonths(Date date, int amount) {
return set(date, Calendar.MONTH, amount);
private static Date set(Date date, int calendarField, int amount) {
if (date == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The date must not be null");
// getInstance() returns a new object, so this method is thread safe.
Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); //returns an "empty" Calendar instance using default TimeZone and Local. Does not throw any exception
c.setLenient(false); // Just set the leniency value of the Calendar.
c.setTime(date); // set the time of the Calendar to the reference time by converting the date input into milliseconds
c.set(calendarField, amount); // this one looks interesting, but not quite
return c.getTime(); //returns the Date Object, possible source of the thrown Exception
Calendar.java 中的方法如下所示:
public final Date getTime() {
return new Date(getTimeInMillis());
Calendar.java 中的方法getTimeInMillis
public long getTimeInMillis() {
if (!isTimeSet) {
return time;
private void updateTime() {
// The areFieldsSet and areAllFieldsSet values are no longer
// controlled here (as of 1.5).
isTimeSet = true;
Calendar.java 中的computeTime
方法是一个抽象方法,在这种情况下具体实现在 GregorianCalendar.java 中。因为整个方法很长,所以我只会在方法中显示可以抛出异常的语句。
protected void computeTime() {
// In non-lenient mode, perform brief checking of calendar
// fields which have been set externally. Through this
// checking, the field values are stored in originalFields[]
// to see if any of them are normalized later.
if (!isLenient()) {
if (originalFields == null) {
originalFields = new int[FIELD_COUNT];
for (int field = 0; field < FIELD_COUNT; field++) {
int value = internalGet(field);
if (isExternallySet(field)) {
// Quick validation for any out of range values
**This is the part of the code that has thrown that Exception**
if (value < getMinimum(field) || value > getMaximum(field)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(getFieldName(field));
originalFields[field] = value;
//After this part, code that computes the time in milliseconds follows
如您所见,为特定字段提供的值与该字段的预定义最小值和最大值进行比较。对于 MONTH 字段,最小值为 0(一月),最大值为 11(十二月)。您可以从这里验证这些值。
现在关于你的另一个问题,你提供的信息仅限于我们提供具体的答案。通过 Calendar API 的实现,如果宽松模式设置为false
,则月份的值 0 应对应于一月和 11 到十二月。0 月值对应于 12 月的唯一方法是,当您将宽大模式设置为true
并且您有一个“环绕(翻转)”到 12 月的天值时,例如月 = 0 但天 = 369。