I am new to MSMQ and suspect I either have my queues configured wrong or programmatically (is that a word?)causing them to get hung up.

When everything starts I can send one message and that works wonderfully. I can see (ie via mmc on that machine) the message in the remote machine queue. I then go to access it and I get my UnsupportedFormatNameOperation error. If I try to send another message I get the same error in the send method that just worked a few seconds earlier.

What is even more frustrating is that my catch is NOT picking up the exception so I was unaware and looking elsewhere (read wasting time) till I explored the queue object in the debugger.

Now if I reset the Message Service on remote I lose my message in the queue and still get the same error. If I reboot same result.

On local (dev machine) if I reset the Message Service I still get the error. If I reboot something gets recycled and I can send exactly one message again.

Further after reboot of dev machine and exploring the queue object on the first run I find that I am getting the error the FIRST time around but it still sends the message.

So I am clearly doing something wrong but clueless as to what.

Here is my send code:

private void SendLoginMessage(...bunch of parms)
            //hardcoded path? yup!!
            MessageQueue msmq = new MessageQueue(@"FormatName:DIRECT=OS:W2K8R2_SQL2K8R2\private$\best_simulator");

                LoginStatusMessage LgnMsg = new LoginStatusMessage()
                    ...assign parms to my 
            catch (MessageQueueException msmqex)
            catch (Exception ex)

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于 2013-02-23T23:50:44.203 回答