我想知道你是否可以给我手机 OCR 中的示例(或片段)代码,因为我需要知道如何开始我的项目。我知道如何编写代码以便在台式电脑上使用,但我的伙伴告诉我,手机有不同的平台。我们计划在这个上使用 .net 移动设备..希望你能帮助我..:)


1 回答 1


It looks like there isn't much for C#/.NET, according to this question. If you have written OCR code yourself using C#, it might work as is on the Compact Framework, or it might be made workable with minor modifications. The Compact Framework is a subset of the full .NET framework, so usually code written specifically for CF will run in regular Windows, but code written for Windows may or may not run in CF, depending upon what functionality has been utilized.

Your partner is sort of right, but there are lots of different platforms for mobile device development, and .NET is definitely one of them (and a good one at that).

于 2008-11-11T05:39:47.383 回答