在 F# 中,如何最好地将有限序列类seq [0; 1; 2; 3; 4]
转换为元组序列,如seq [4,0,1 ; 0,1,2 ; 1,2,3 ; 2,3,4 ; 3,4,0]
补充: My Seq 代表循环数据。在这种情况下,闭合多段线的顶点。我需要相邻元素来计算每个角的角度。
在 F# 中,如何最好地将有限序列类seq [0; 1; 2; 3; 4]
转换为元组序列,如seq [4,0,1 ; 0,1,2 ; 1,2,3 ; 2,3,4 ; 3,4,0]
补充: My Seq 代表循环数据。在这种情况下,闭合多段线的顶点。我需要相邻元素来计算每个角的角度。
// Example usage: neighbors [0..4]
let neighbors input =
let inputLength = Seq.length input
// The sequence needs to be looped three times;
// the first and last time handle the previous value for the first
// element in the input sequence and the next value for the last
// element in the input sequence, respectively.
|> Seq.replicate 3
// Start at the previous element of the first element in the input sequence.
|> Seq.skip (inputLength - 1)
// Take the same number of elements as the tuple.
|> Seq.windowed 3
// Only keep the same number of elements as the original sequence.
|> Seq.take inputLength
// Convert the arrays to tuples
|> Seq.map (fun values ->
values.[0], values.[1], values.[2])
// Return the result as a list of tuples.
|> Seq.toList
// get items (i-1, i, i+1) from arr; wrap around at the boundaries
let adj3 i (arr: 'a[]) =
// modulo operator that works correctly
let inline (%%) x y = ((x % y) + y) % y
let len = arr.Length
arr.[(i - 1) %% len], arr.[i], arr.[(i + 1) %% len]
let windowed3 s = seq {
let sarr = s |> Seq.toArray
for i = 0 to sarr.Length do
yield adj3 i sarr }
时间复杂度为 O( n )。
let cycle s =
Seq.append s (Seq.take 2 s) // append the first two elements to the and
|> Seq.windowed 3 // create windows of 3
|> Seq.map (fun a -> (a.[0], a.[1], a.[2])) // create tuples
// test
[0;1;2;3;4] |> cycle
// returns:
val it : seq<int * int * int> =
seq [(0, 1, 2); (1, 2, 3); (2, 3, 4); (3, 4, 0); ...]
// Returns the last element of a sequence.
// Fails on empty sequence
let last xs =
let len = Seq.length xs - 1
if len < 0 then failwith "Sequence must be non-empty"
|> Seq.skip len
|> Seq.head
// Converts an array into a tuple
let toTuple = function
| [|a; b; c|] -> (a, b, c)
| _ -> failwith "Must be an array with exactly 3 elements"
let windowedBy3 xs =
seq {
yield last xs;
yield! xs;
yield Seq.head xs
|> Seq.windowed 3
|> Seq.map toTuple
// Usage
Seq.init 5 id
|> windowedBy3
|> Seq.iter (printf "%A; ")
let windowedEx n (s: seq<_>) =
let r = ResizeArray(s)
if r.Count > 1 then
let last = r.[r.Count-1]
r.Insert(0, last)
Seq.windowed n r
let neighbors xs =
match Array.ofSeq xs with
| [||] -> [||]
| [|x|] -> [|x, x, x|]
| xs ->
let n = xs.Length
[|yield xs.[n-1], xs.[0], xs.[1]
for i=1 to n-2 do
yield xs.[i-1], xs.[i], xs.[i+1]
yield xs.[n-2], xs.[n-1], xs.[0]|]
,它需要预先消耗第一个n - 1
元素,同时保持其余元素的惰性。如果源中的元素不超过n - 1
所以它是一个用于缓存的 ResizeArray 和一个将它们拼接在一起的序列表达式。
module Seq =
let circularWindowed n (xs : seq<_>) =
let en = xs.GetEnumerator()
let ra = ResizeArray()
while ra.Count < n - 1 && en.MoveNext() do
ra.Add en.Current
if en.MoveNext() then
yield! ra
yield en.Current
while en.MoveNext() do
yield en.Current
yield! ra }
|> Seq.windowed n
seq [0; 1; 2; 3; 4]
|> Seq.circularWindowed 3
|> Seq.toList
// val it : int [] list =
// [[|0; 1; 2|]; [|1; 2; 3|]; [|2; 3; 4|]; [|3; 4; 0|]; [|4; 0; 1|]]