为了帮助理解答案,这里简要介绍了 Vuforia 如何处理标记检测。如果您查看附加到ImageTarget 预制件的DefaultTrackableEventHandler脚本,您会看到当跟踪系统找到或丢失图像时会触发一些事件。
这些是DefaultTrackableEventHandler.cs 中的OnTrackingFound(第 67 行)和OnTrackingLost(第 88 行)
如果您想在跟踪时显示 Sprite,您需要做的就是放置Image Target预制件(或任何其他)并使 Sprite 成为预制件的子代。启用和禁用应该自动发生。
//Assign this in the inspector. This is the GameObject that
//has a SpriteRenderer and Collider2D component attached to it
public GameObject spriteGameObject ;
//Enable both the Sprite Renderer, and the Collider for the sprite
//upon Tracking Found. Note that you can change the type of
//collider to be more specific (such as BoxCollider2D)
spriteGameObject.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().enabled = true;
spriteGameObject.GetComponent<Collider2D>().enabled = true;
//EDIT 1
//Have the sprite inherit the position and rotation of the Image
spriteGameObject.transform.position = transform.position;
spriteGameObject.transform.rotation = transform.rotation;
//Disable both the Sprite Renderer, and the Collider for the sprite
//upon Tracking Lost.
spriteGameObject.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().enabled = false;
spriteGameObject.GetComponent<Collider2D>().enabled = false;
接下来,您关于检测此 Sprite 的点击的问题。Unity 的 Monobehaviour 会为许多鼠标事件触发事件,例如OnMouseUp、OnMouseDown等。
链接到 Unity 的 API 文档上的 Monobehaviour
public class HandleClicks : MonoBehaviour {
//Event fired when a collider receives a mouse down
//and mouse up event, like the interaction with a button
void OnMouseUpAsButton () {
//Do whatever you want to