Ok my application using Devexpress 11, its old and I'm thinking to switch to Telerik instead, I download the WPF demo check all necessary component until I stumbled onto RadDocking from telerik. and my first impression was slow/jittery/stutter animation.

My question is this is normal even when deploying in full application? or it will be smoother than when in demo?


1 回答 1


好吧,因为没有帮助:(我只是继续尝试我的印象,就像在演示中一样。严重的是,即使屏幕上没有任何内容,只有 1 个固定的文档,它看起来很奇怪,固定和取消固定就像 blip 动画更糟糕的是移动时浮动文件的动作感觉很奇怪,感觉就像动画跳来跳去的像素一样。虽然有很多动画,但没必要。

无论如何,我听说过 Telerik 很多,所以我有点兴奋,当谈到性能时我错了,即使是最基本的事情也让我想知道当项目变得足够大时情况会怎样。

于 2015-01-16T03:39:08.010 回答