嗨,我在 Rail 2.3.5 中免费使用 Fusion 图表
我试图模拟文档中提供的 single_array 示例,但它显示的不是图形,而是以下消息
使用的方法是 setDataXML。XML 是
#Creates xml with values for sales data of products #along with their names.
#The values required for building the xml is obtained as parameter arr_data
#It expects an array in which each element is
#itself an array with first element as label and second element as value
xml = Builder::XmlMarkup.new xml.graph(:caption=>'Sales by Product', :numberPrefix=>'$', :formatNumberScale=>'0',:decimalPrecision=>'0') do
for item in arr_data xml.set(:name=>item[0], :value=>item[1],:color=>''+get_FC_color)
之前有人看过这条消息> 吗?我正在使用带有 Flash Player > 9 的 Firefox