我正在做一个小项目,复制 CVS 药房数据库。了解 PL/SQL 中的触发器后,我认为创建一个触发器是一个好主意,该触发器将在商店购买产品时更新商店的产品库存(交易)。
现在为了做到这一点,我必须在 productLine_T 上做一个 AFTER INSERT(交易中的产品正在以数量购买的表),存储 transactionID,找到新插入交易的employeeID,从员工那里获取 storeID该交易,然后允许我通过 storeID 获取相应的库存,以通过 productLine_T 中的 orderedQuantity 更新该商店的库存中的 productID。
创建此触发器后,当我尝试插入 productLine_T 时出现以下错误,如上所述:
Error starting at line 193 in command:
INSERT INTO productLine_T(transactionID, productID, productQuantity, productFinalPrice)
VALUES(00000006, 00000001, 2, 1.50)
Error report:
SQL Error: ORA-04091: table BSEWARDS.PRODUCTLINE_T is mutating, trigger/function may not see it
ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'BSEWARDS.ONPRODUCTPURCHASED'
04091. 00000 - "table %s.%s is mutating, trigger/function may not see it"
*Cause: A trigger (or a user defined plsql function that is referenced in
this statement) attempted to look at (or modify) a table that was
in the middle of being modified by the statement which fired it.
*Action: Rewrite the trigger (or function) so it does not read that table.
我不明白为什么触发器在插入后无法读取新值?我可以在请求时包含我的 ERD 和任何其他需要帮助的可视化表示。
create or replace
trigger onProductPurchased
AFTER INSERT on productLine_T
for each row
transQty productLine_T.productQuantity%type;
transID productLine_T.transactionID%type;
prodID productLine_T.productID%type;
empID Employee_T.employeeID%type;
stID Store_T.storeID%type;
--outOfStock exception;
--store new transactionID in transID for query
select transactionID, productID, productQuantity into transID, prodID, transQty
FROM productLine_T
WHERE productLine_T.transactionID = :new.transactionID;
--find store by employee of transactionID to get inventory of store
-- get employeeID of newly inserted transaction
select emp.employeeID into empID FROM Employee_T emp, Transaction_T trans
WHERE trans.transactionID = transID;
-- get storeID from employee at store who made the transaction
select st.storeID into stID FROM Store_T st, Employee_T emp
WHERE emp.employeeID = empID;
--get inventory by storeID and change inventoryQty based on productID quantity
update Inventory_T
set inventoryQuantity = inventoryQuantity - :new.productQuantity
WHERE Inventory_T.storeID = stID AND Inventory_T.storeID = prodID;