This is my first submission, I have completed one quarter of Java programming.
I have an assignment to create a Palindrome Checker. Fairly straight forward, I had that portion of the code figured out in the first hour. However, in typical fashion (for me) I want my code to do a bit more. This is where I run into issues.
I want this code to do the following: Take user input Correctly identify if the input is a palindrome regardless of case or punctuation Run in a loop so that multiple tests can be performed
So far it works, I just don't know if I went about it the right way. Would anyone be willing to take a look and let me know how inefficient this is, or if it has any obvious rookie mistakes? Thanks so much.
* Created by Travis on 1/10/2015.
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.lang.StringBuilder;
public class Palindrome
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException //main class
String str = "", answer = "", test1 = "yes", test2 = "no"; //strings
int len = 10; //initial value for len so it doesn't trip the success if
Scanner KB = new Scanner(; //user input
System.out.println("Greetings, Welcome to the Palindrome Checker.\n" + //initial greeting
"Would you like to check a Palindrome? (Yes or no)");
answer = KB.nextLine(); //input is for the sentinel program.
if (!(answer.equalsIgnoreCase(test1) || answer.equalsIgnoreCase(test2))) //error message in case user inputs incorrect string.
System.out.println("Error! You can only choose 'yes' or 'no'. Please try again:");
answer = KB.nextLine(); //allows for new answer
System.out.println(answer + " y"); //debugging so i can see answer
while (answer.equalsIgnoreCase(test1)) //compares to test1 which is: yes. as long as answer equals yes, the program should loop
System.out.println("Please provide a word or phrase:");
str = KB.nextLine(); //prompt for palindrome
String str2 = str.toLowerCase().replaceAll("\\s+", "").replaceAll("\\W+", ""); //converts input to a string that is a single group of chars with no space or punctuation
System.out.println(str2); //debug
StringBuilder str1 = new StringBuilder(str2); //takes the string and makes a stringbuilder so i can delete chars to test
len = str1.length(); //sets for length. This lets me account for any length of phrase
System.out.println(len); //debug
System.out.println(str1); //debug
for (int i = 0; len >= 2; i++) //for loop to progressively test front and back letters and proceed if they are the same
char ch1 = str1.charAt(0); //takes the letter at [0] and converts to char
char ch2 = str1.charAt(len - 1); //takes the last letter and converts to char
System.out.println("The first letter in your phrase is: " + ch1); // lists the letter at [0]
System.out.println("The last letter in your phrase is: " + ch2); //lists the letter at the end
if (!(ch1 == ch2)) //if the front and back letter do not match, fails and prompts for new phrase
System.out.println("Sorry, this phrase is not a palindrome. \n" +
"Would you like to try again?");
answer = KB.nextLine();
else if (ch1 == ch2) //if front and back do match, removes front and back letters and updates stringbuilder
System.out.println("Removing letters on each end of the phrase and performing " +
"new check:\n");
str1.deleteCharAt(len - 1); //deletes the last letter from str1
str1.deleteCharAt(0); //deletes first letter from str1
len = str1.length(); //updates len with the new length of str1
if (len <= 1) //if the for loop successfully reduces stringbuilder to 1 or less characters, prompts for success
System.out.println("Congratulations, your phrase: '" + str + "' is a palindrome! \n\n" +
"Would you like to try again?");
answer = KB.nextLine();
len = 10; //resets len
if (answer.equalsIgnoreCase(test2)) //ends sentinel loop.
System.out.println(answer + " N");