我正在使用一个 wordpress 主题,它有自己的框架,它基于我认为的 redux 框架。我正在使用子主题修改这个主题。我想添加到后端的主题选项中,我在父主题的文件中找到了一个似乎正是我需要的函数:

 * Custom function for filtering the sections array. Good for child themes to override or add to the sections.
 * Simply include this function in the child themes functions.php file.
 * NOTE: the defined constansts for URLs, and directories will NOT be available at this point in a child theme,
 * so you must use get_template_directory_uri() if you want to use any of the built in icons
function add_another_section($sections){
    //$sections = array();
    $sections[] = array(
        'title' => __('A Section added by hook', 'swift-framework-admin'),
        'desc' => __('<p class="description">This is a section created by adding a filter to the sections array. Can be used by child themes to add/remove sections from the options.</p>', 'swift-framework-admin'),
        // Redux ships with the glyphicons free icon pack, included in the options folder.
        // Feel free to use them, add your own icons, or leave this blank for the default.
        'icon' => trailingslashit(get_template_directory_uri()) . 'options/img/icons/glyphicons_062_attach.png',
        // Leave this as a blank section, no options just some intro text set above.
        'fields' => array()

    return $sections;
//add_filter('redux-opts-sections-twenty_eleven', 'add_another_section');

我已将此函数添加到我的子主题的functions.php 并取消注释add_filter。但是,这似乎不起作用,并且没有添加新部分。



function add_another_section_bl($sections){
    $sections = array();
    $sections[] = array(
        'title' => __('A Section added by hook', 'swift-framework-admin'),
        'desc' => __('<p class="description">This is a section created by adding a filter to the sections array. Can be used by child themes to add/remove sections from the options.</p>', 'swift-framework-admin'),
        // Redux ships with the glyphicons free icon pack, included in the options folder.
        // Feel free to use them, add your own icons, or leave this blank for the default.
        'icon' => trailingslashit(get_template_directory_uri()) . 'options/img/icons/glyphicons_062_attach.png',
        // Leave this as a blank section, no options just some intro text set above.
        'fields' => array()

    return $sections;
add_filter('redux-opts-sections-twenty_eleven', 'add_another_section_bl');

我不确定过滤器名称“redux-opts-sections-twenty_eleven”是否需要编辑,因为它提到了 21 个主题。我在最后尝试了不同的主题名称而不是二十一十一,但没有效果。




2 回答 2


Redux 框架的首席开发人员在这里。此解决方案仅在您使用 Redux Framework 3.1+ 时有效。如果您有旧版本,请安装 Redux Framework 插件,它将覆盖您主题中的版本。

首先进入当前选项面板。打开一个 javascript 控制台(使用 chrome 或 firefox)并输入:redux.args.opt_name. 这将呼应一个名字。将其复制并粘贴到此函数中,替换OPT_NAME为回显的名称:

function add_another_section_bl($sections){
    $sections = array(); // Delete this if you want to keep original sections!
    $sections[] = array(
        'title' => __('A Section added by hook', 'swift-framework-admin'),
        'desc' => __('<p class="description">This is a section created by adding a filter to the sections array. Can be used by child themes to add/remove sections from the options.</p>', 'swift-framework-admin'),
        // Redux ships with the glyphicons free icon pack, included in the options folder.
        // Feel free to use them, add your own icons, or leave this blank for the default.
        'icon' => trailingslashit(get_template_directory_uri()) . 'options/img/icons/glyphicons_062_attach.png',
        // Leave this as a blank section, no options just some intro text set above.
        'fields' => array()

    return $sections;
// In this example OPT_NAME is the returned opt_name.
add_filter("redux/options/OPT_NAME/sections", 'add_another_section_bl');


** 更新 **

同样使用 Redux API,您可以通过这种方式轻松添加新部分。

        'title' => __('A Section added by hook', 'swift-framework-admin'),
        'desc' => __('<p class="description">This is a section created by adding a filter to the sections array. Can be used by child themes to add/remove sections from the options.</p>', 'swift-framework-admin'),
        // Redux ships with the glyphicons free icon pack, included in the options folder.
        // Feel free to use them, add your own icons, or leave this blank for the default.
        'icon' => trailingslashit(get_template_directory_uri()) . 'options/img/icons/glyphicons_062_attach.png',
        // Leave this as a blank section, no options just some intro text set above.
        'fields' => array()

我相信我们在 Redux 3.2 中发布的 API 使得使用我们的 API 变得更加容易......

于 2015-01-07T02:31:40.430 回答

如果您将 redux 选项与插件一起使用,您的过滤器将无法在主题中工作,因此请确保将代码放入插件中。


function add_social_media_options($sections) {
$sections[] = array(
    // Redux ships with the glyphicons free icon pack, included in the options folder.
    // Feel free to use them, add your own icons, or leave this blank for the default.
    'icon' => 'el-icon-wrench',
    'title' => esc_html__('Social Media Settings', 'textdomain'),
    'desc' => esc_html__('These are settings social media link', 'textdomain'),
    'fields' => array(
            'id' => 'facebook_link',
            'type' => 'text',
            'url' => true,
            'title' => __('Facebook link', 'textdomain'),
            'compiler' => 'true',
            //'mode' => false, // Can be set to false to allow any media type, or can also be set to any mime type.
            'desc' => __('', 'textdomain'),
            'default' => ''
            'id' => 'twitter_link',
            'type' => 'text',
            'url' => true,
            'title' => __('Twitter link', 'textdomain'),
            'compiler' => 'true',
            //'mode' => false, // Can be set to false to allow any media type, or can also be set to any mime type.
            'desc' => __('', 'textdomain'),
            'default' => ''


return $sections;

add_filter("redux/options/redux_demo/sections", 'add_social_media_options');
于 2019-12-24T07:42:40.310 回答