我已经为 uPP 设备驱动程序编写了代码,该驱动程序将与基于 OMAPL138 的定制板一起用于通过相机镜头进行数据采集。我的设备驱动程序的代码是:

 *   A device driver for the Texas Instruments
 *   Universal Paralllel Port (UPP)
 *   Modified by: Ali Shehryar <github.com/sshehryar>

#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/spinlock.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>      
#include <linux/delay.h>      //for "mdelay(...)"
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
#include <linux/cdev.h>
#include <linux/moduleparam.h>
#include <mach/da8xx.h>
#include <asm/sizes.h>
#include <asm/io.h>       
#include <mach/mux.h>
#include <linux/gpio.h>
#include <mach/gpio.h>
#include <asm/gpio.h>

//SPRUH77A.PDF, Table 12-1. The Interrupt number assigned to the UPP module.
#define UPP_INTERRUPT   91

//SPRS586D.PDF, Table 2-4
#define DA850_UPP_BASE  0x01E16000

//SPRS586D.PDF, Table 5-117. Offsets from DA850_UPP_BASE
#define UPPCR           0x00000004
#define UPDLB           0x00000008
#define UPCTL           0x00000010
#define UPICR           0x00000014
#define UPIVR           0x00000018
#define UPTCR           0x0000001C
#define UPIER           0x00000024
#define UPIES           0x00000028
#define UPIEC           0x0000002C
#define UPEOI           0x00000030
#define UPID0           0x00000040
#define UPID1           0x00000044
#define UPID2           0x00000048
#define UPIS0           0x00000050
#define UPIS1           0x00000054
#define UPIS2           0x00000058

//SPRS586D.PDF, Table 2-4
#define DA850_PSC1_BASE 0x01E27000 

//SPRUH77A.PDF, Table 9-7. 
//"Power and Sleep Controller 1" (PSC1)  Revision ID Register.
#define PSC_REVID       0x00000000

//SPRUH77A.PDF, Table 9-7. 
//"Power Domain Transition Status" Register.
#define PSC_PTSTAT      0x00000128

//SPRUH77A.PDF, Table 9-2, Table 9-7. 
//NOTE that in Table 9-2, UPP module has an LPSC number of 19...
#define PSC1_MDCTL_19   0x00000A4C  //0xA00 + (19*4). 

//SPRUH77A.PDF, Table 9-7. 
//"Power Domain Transition Command Register" Register.
#define PSC_PTCMD       0x00000120

//DMA Status Register bitmasks used in the ISR handler.... 
#define EOLI   16
#define EOWI   8
#define ERRI   4
#define UORI   2 
#define DPEI   1

#define UPIES_MASK 0x0000001F
///#define UPIES_MASK 0x1717 ---> Reverted back to 1717 because Window interrupt is not used, for now its useless
//To Enable all interrupts --->  #define UPIES_MASK 0x1F1F

/// Shehryar: These Parameters are to be modified and tweaked according to reqirements in realtime.
#define UPP_BUF_SIZE       8192 //Need to lookup for an exact val (changed from 8192 on 2 DEc 14)
#define UPP_RX_LINE_COUNT  8    //Changed from 8 
#define UPP_RX_LINE_SIZE   1024
#define UPP_RX_LINE_OFFSET 1024 //value changed from 1024 to 0 on 2 DEC 2014

//MODIFIED BY: SHEHRYAR ---> Pg 888 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) SPRUH82A–December 2011. Added 25-Nov-2014           

#define DA850_GPIO_BASE       0x01E26000
//------------------------------------- 9/12/2014-----------------
//#define MY_BUFFER_SIZE        1048756

//MODIFIED BY: SHEHRYAR. Offsets from GPIO_Base (SPRS653C.PDF TABLE 5-134)

#define DIR67       0x00000088
#define OUT_DATA67  0x0000008C
#define SET_DATA67  0x00000090
#define CLR_DATA67  0x00000094  
static void *rxBuf; 
static void __iomem *pinmux_base = 0;
static void __iomem *upp_base    = 0;
static void __iomem *psc1_base   = 0;
static void __iomem *gpio_base   = 0;

static DECLARE_WAIT_QUEUE_HEAD(read_queue);
static int32_t read_pending = 0; // changed from static int

//set to '1' when loading this module to use the Digital Loopback (DLB) 
//features,e.g:"insmod UPP_driver.ko loopbackMode=1"

static int loopbackMode = 0;

module_param( loopbackMode, int, S_IRUGO);

int EOWI_Count = 0; int UORI_count =0;

////////////////////////////////////////INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINE//////////////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////////////SPRUH82A–December 2014 PAGE 1515////////////////////////////////

   //SPRUGJ5B.PDF, Section 2.6.4
static irqreturn_t upp_ISR_handler(int irq, void *dev_id)
   uint32_t regVal, status;

   if (pinmux_base == 0) 
      return IRQ_HANDLED;

   status = ioread32( upp_base + UPIER );

   while (status &  0x0000001F )  //0x1F1F is an interrupt bit-mask 
      //DMA Channel I (Channel A), Receiving data (We Need A (DMA Ch I ) to Rx Data instead of Tx ; 27th Nov 2014 - 10:38am)
      if (status & EOLI) 
    //Clear the interrupt. WRITING ZERO to any other bit has NO effect,
    //per SPRUH77A.PDF, section 33.3.9.
    iowrite32(EOLI, upp_base + UPIER );

    //printk(KERN_INFO "DMA:  EOLI\n");

    if (status & EOWI) 
         //Clear the interrupt. WRITING ZERO to any other bit has NO effect,
         //per SPRUH77A.PDF, section 33.3.9.
        //printk(KERN_INFO "DMA:  EOWI\n");
        iowrite32(EOWI, upp_base + UPIER );

        read_pending = 8192;
        //add 1 to EOWI counter
        EOWI_Count += 1;

     //    dump_Channel_regs();

    if (status & ERRI) 
         //Clear the interrupt. WRITING ZERO to any other bit has NO effect,
         //per SPRUH77A.PDF, section 33.3.9.
         iowrite32(ERRI, upp_base + UPIER );

      if (status & UORI) 
         //Clear the interrupt. WRITING ZERO to any other bit has NO effect,
         //per SPRUH77A.PDF, section 33.3.9.
         iowrite32(UORI, upp_base + UPIER );
         UORI_count +=1;

      if (status & DPEI) 
         //Clear the interrupt. WRITING ZERO to any other bit has NO effect,
         //per SPRUH77A.PDF, section 33.3.9.
         iowrite32(DPEI, upp_base + UPIER );

    //read again, and process if necessary.
      status = ioread32( upp_base + UPIER );
   //Clear UPEOI to allow future calls to this function.
   regVal = ioread32( upp_base + UPEOI);
   regVal &= 0xFFFFFF00;
   regVal = 0;// End of Interrupt

   iowrite32(regVal, upp_base + UPEOI);

   return IRQ_HANDLED;
static void pin_mux_set( int index, unsigned int bits )
   static DEFINE_SPINLOCK(mux_spin_lock);
   unsigned long flags;
   unsigned int offset;

   if ((index < 0) || (index > 19))
      printk(KERN_INFO "pin_mux_set:index is out of range.\n");

   if (!pinmux_base) 
      //SRPUH77A.PDF,Table 11-3
      if ((pinmux_base = ioremap(DA8XX_SYSCFG0_BASE, SZ_4K)) == 0) 
         printk(KERN_INFO "pin_mux_set:Cannot fetch pinmux_base.\n");

   offset = 0x120 + (index * 4);
   spin_lock_irqsave(&mux_spin_lock, flags);
   iowrite32(bits, pinmux_base + offset);
   spin_unlock_irqrestore(&mux_spin_lock, flags);

   //NOTE: do NOT "iounmap" the pinmux_base pointer, as it is used
   //      in the ISR_handler.....

static void upp_pin_mux_init(void)
   pin_mux_set( 13, 0x44440000 );
   pin_mux_set( 14, 0x44444480 ); 
   pin_mux_set( 15, 0x44444444 );
   pin_mux_set( 16, 0x44444444 );
   pin_mux_set( 17, 0x44444444 );
   pin_mux_set( 18, 0x00444444 );
   pin_mux_set( 19, 0x08888800 );   
   //pin_mux_print() ;

   //SPRUGJ5B.PDF, Section
static void upp_power_and_clocks( void )
    * Refer to: 
    *   * Power and Sleep Controller (PSC), Chapter 9 in the TRM(SPRUH77A.PDF)
    *   * Device Clocking, Chapter 7 (esp Section 7.3.5) in the TRM. 
    int regVal;

    if (!psc1_base) 
       if ((psc1_base = ioremap(DA850_PSC1_BASE, SZ_4K)) == 0)
          printk(KERN_INFO "upp_power_and_clocks:Cannot fetch psc1_base.\n");

    regVal = ioread32(psc1_base + PSC_REVID);

    //PSC Revision ID should be "44825A00" per SPRUH77A.PDF, section 9.6.1
    if (regVal == 0x44825A00) 
       printk( KERN_INFO "PSC_REVID = 0x%08X....OK\n", regVal); 
       printk( KERN_INFO "********ERROR: PSC_REVID = 0x%08X********\n", regVal); 

    // SPRUH77A.PDF,, Table 9-6, 9.6.10 
    // wait for GOSTAT[0] in PSTAT to clear to 0 ("No transition in progress")
    while ( ioread32(psc1_base + PSC_PTSTAT) & 0x00000001 )

    //SPRUH77A.PDF,,  9.6.19.
    //Set NEXT bit in MDCTL19 to Enable(3h).
    regVal  = ioread32( psc1_base + PSC1_MDCTL_19 );
    regVal |= 0x00000003;
    iowrite32(regVal, psc1_base + PSC1_MDCTL_19);

    //SPRUH77A.PDF,,  9.6.9. 
    //Set the GO[0] bit in PTCMD to 1 to initiate power-domain transition
    regVal  = ioread32(psc1_base + PSC_PTCMD);
    regVal |= 0x00000001;
    iowrite32(regVal, psc1_base + PSC_PTCMD);

    // SPRUH77A.PDF, 
    // Wait for GOSTAT[0] in PTSTAT to clear to 0
    while ( ioread32(psc1_base + PSC_PTSTAT) & 0x00000001 )

    iounmap( psc1_base );
    psc1_base = 0;


   //SPRUGJ5B.PDF, Section,
static void upp_swrst( void )
    int32_t reg_val;

    if (!upp_base)
       if ((upp_base = ioremap(DA850_UPP_BASE, SZ_4K)) == 0) 
          printk(KERN_INFO "upp_swrst:Cannot fetch upp_base.\n");
    //Fetch the UPP ID for the sake of sanity....Should be "44231100"
    reg_val = ioread32( upp_base + 0 );
    if (reg_val == 0x44231100 ) 
       printk(KERN_INFO "UPP_UPPID = 0x%08X....OK\n", reg_val);
       printk( KERN_INFO "********ERROR: UPP_UPPID = 0x%08X********\n", reg_val); 

    // SPRUH77A.PDF, Section, Table 33-12.
    // clear EN bit of UPPCR to (temporarily) disable the UPP. 
    reg_val = ioread32( upp_base + UPPCR );
    reg_val &= ~(1 << 3);             //0xfffffff7;
    iowrite32( reg_val, upp_base + UPPCR );

    // SPRUH77A.PDF, Section, Table 33-12.
    //poll "DMA Burst" (DB) bit of UPPCR to ensure DMA controller is idle
    while ( ioread32( upp_base + UPPCR ) & (1 << 7) )

    // SPRUH77A.PDF, Section, Table 33-12.
    // assert SWRST bit (bit 4) of UPPCR
    reg_val  = ioread32( upp_base + UPPCR );
    reg_val |= 0x00000010;
    iowrite32( reg_val, upp_base + UPPCR );

    // wait at least 200 clock cycles 
    // (SPRUGJ5B.PDF,
    mdelay( 200 );  // abitrary choice of 200ms

    // SPRUH77A.PDF, Section  --AND--
    // SPRUGJ5B.PDF,
    // clear SWRST bit (bit 4) of UPPCR
    reg_val = ioread32( upp_base + UPPCR );
    reg_val &= 0xffffffef;
    iowrite32( reg_val, upp_base + UPPCR );


   //SPRUGJ5B.PDF, Section
static void upp_config( void )
   int32_t regVal;

   // UPPCTL - UPP Interface Channel Settings....SPRUH77A.PDF, Section 33.3.4.
   //        - DATA and XDATA Pin assignments to Channels A & B:
   //          Refer to SPRUGJ5B.PDF, Table 3: 
   //        ____PHYSICAL_PINS___|____CHANNEL_ASSIGNMENT___
   //          * DATA[7:0]       |       A[7:0]
   //          * DATA[15:8]      |       B[7:0]
   regVal = 0;
   regVal |= 1 << 17;       // IWA  - CHANNEL A 8/16bit MODE: Set Channel A to 16 bit mode

   iowrite32( regVal, upp_base + UPCTL );

   // UPPICR - signal enable, signal inversion, clk div (tx only), etc.
   //          SPRUH77A.PDF, Section 33.3.5

   regVal  = 0;        //Channel A: START is active-high

   regVal |= 1<<3;  //Channel A:STARTA is honored in Rev Mode
   regVal |= 1<<4;  //Channel A:ENABLEA is honored in Rev Mode
   regVal |= 1<<12;  //Channel A:(CLKINVA) Signal on rising edge of clock
   regVal |= 1<<13;  //Channel A:(TRISA) pins are High-impedence while idle

   iowrite32( regVal, upp_base + UPICR );

   // UPPIVR - Idle Value Register
   //          SPRUH77A.PDF, Section 33.3.5
   regVal = 0;
   regVal |= 0xab00;   //Channel B Idle Value
   regVal |= 0x00cd;   //Channel A Idle Value
   iowrite32( regVal, upp_base + UPIVR );

   // UPTCR - i/o tx thresh (tx only), dma read burst size
   regVal  = 0x00000003;            //DMA Channel I READ-threshold. 256 bytes (max)

   iowrite32(regVal, upp_base + UPTCR );

//SPRUGJ5B.PDF, Section
static void upp_interrupt_enable( void )
   int32_t regVal, status;

   // Register the ISR before enabling the interrupts....
   status = request_irq( UPP_INTERRUPT, upp_ISR_handler, 0, "upp_ISR", 0 );
   if( status < 0 ) 


   // clear all interrupts
   iowrite32( UPIES_MASK, upp_base + UPIEC );

   //Dumping Registers again for debugging purpose  

   // UPIES - Interrupt Enable. Interrupt events will generate a CPU interrupt
   // regVal  = 0x17;            //Enable ALL interrupts (but EOWI) for DMA Channel I
   //regVal |= 0x17 << 8;       //Enable ALL interrupts (but EOWQ) for DMA Channel Q 
   regVal = UPIES_MASK;
   iowrite32( regVal, upp_base + UPIES );


//SPRUGJ5B.PDF, Section
static void upp_enable( void )
    int32_t reg_val;

    // set EN bit in UPPCR. 
    // The EN bit (effectively disabling the UPP peripheral)...
    // was cleared in "upp_swrst()" function
    reg_val = ioread32( upp_base + UPPCR );
    reg_val |=  1 << 3;  
    iowrite32( reg_val, upp_base + UPPCR );


static void upp_disable( void )
    int32_t reg_val;

    reg_val = ioread32( upp_base + UPPCR );
    reg_val &= ~(1 << 3);             //0xfffffff7;
    iowrite32( reg_val, upp_base + UPPCR );


//////////////////////////MODIFIED BY: SHEHRYAR ; 25-NOV-2014 4:40pm PST (+5.00 GMT)///////////////////
static void setpin_GPIO (void)

    int32_t reg_val=0;

    if ((gpio_base = ioremap(DA850_GPIO_BASE, SZ_4K)) == 0) 

    //reg_val = ioread32(gpio_base + SET_DATA67);
    reg_val |= (1<<6); ///Set Pin 6 of Bank 6 GP6P6 to 1 to drive GPIO high
    iowrite32(reg_val,gpio_base + SET_DATA67);

static void clrpin_GPIO(void)

    int32_t reg_val=0;
    if ((gpio_base = ioremap(DA850_GPIO_BASE, SZ_4K)) == 0) 
    //reg_val = ioread32(gpio_base + CLR_DATA67);
    /*reg_val |= ~(1<<0);
    reg_val |= ~(1<<1);
    reg_val |= ~(1<<2);
    reg_val |= ~(1<<3);
    reg_val |= ~(1<<4);*/
    reg_val |= (1<<6); //Set Pin 6 of bank 6 GP6P6 of CLR_DATA67 Register to High to drive GPIO signals low

    iowrite32(reg_val,gpio_base + CLR_DATA67);

///////Function to set DIR to 1 for GP6P5//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

static void Config_GPIO(void)
     int32_t reg_val;   

     if ((gpio_base = ioremap(DA850_GPIO_BASE, SZ_4K)) == 0) 
    //set dir 
    reg_val = ioread32(gpio_base + DIR67);
    reg_val &= ~(1<<0); 
    reg_val &= ~(1<<1);
    reg_val &= ~(1<<2);
    reg_val &= ~(1<<3);
    reg_val &= ~(1<<4);
    reg_val &= ~(1<<6);
    iowrite32(reg_val,gpio_base + DIR67);
    printk(KERN_INFO "DIR67 => [0x%08X]\n", reg_val);
    //set to high
    reg_val = ioread32(gpio_base + SET_DATA67);
    reg_val |= (1<<0); 
    reg_val |= (1<<1);
    reg_val |= (1<<2);
    reg_val |= (1<<3);
    reg_val |= (1<<4);
    iowrite32(reg_val,gpio_base + SET_DATA67);


//SPRUGJ5B.PDF, Section
// Return false on error
static bool upp_mem_alloc( void )
    //rxBuf2 = kcalloc( 1 , UPP_BUF_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL | GFP_DMA  );   
    rxBuf = kcalloc( 1 , UPP_BUF_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL | GFP_DMA  );
    if (!rxBuf) //|| (!rxBuf2)
        return false;

    return true;

static void upp_program_DMA_channelA( void )
    while ( ioread32( upp_base + UPIS2 ) & 0x00000002 );
    // Channel A (Rx), (DMA Channel I) //27th Nov 2014 - 11:08 am
    iowrite32( rxBuf, upp_base + UPID0);  
    iowrite32( ( (UPP_RX_LINE_COUNT << 16) | UPP_RX_LINE_SIZE ), upp_base + UPID1);
    iowrite32( UPP_RX_LINE_OFFSET, upp_base + UPID2);

// User-mode functions read/write/open/close, etc.

int upp_open( struct inode *iPtr, struct file *fPtr )
    int minor,major;
    read_pending  = 0;

    printk( KERN_INFO "upp_open: MAJOR(%d), MINOR(%d)\n", major, minor);


    return 0;


////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////READ FUNCTION STARTS HERE!!!!!!////

//int count_missing_data=0;
//static int read_flag =0;

ssize_t upp_read( struct file *fPtr, char __user *buffer, size_t size, loff_t *offset )

    int readBytes = 0;
    int retVal=0; 
    void *bPtr = (void *)buffer;

    if (!bPtr) {return -1; printk(KERN_INFO "ERROR: bPtr not initilized\n");}

    printk(KERN_INFO "Reading %d Bytes ...\n",size );

    while (readBytes<size)  
        read_pending = 0;   




        wait_event_interruptible( read_queue, read_pending > 0 );

        while ( ioread32( upp_base + UPIS2 ) & 0x00000001 )        
            printk (KERN_INFO "DMA IS STILL ACTIVE! \n");       
        setpin_GPIO(); // Set High 

        retVal = copy_to_user(bPtr,rxBuf,read_pending);

            printk(KERN_INFO "ERROR: Copy to user failed!\n");
            return readBytes;
        readBytes += read_pending;

        bPtr +=  8192;

    } //end of while loop

    printk(KERN_INFO"\nRead [%d] Bytes.\n",readBytes);

    printk(KERN_INFO"END OF WINDOW (EOWI) INTERRUPT Count = [%d]\n", EOWI_Count);   

    printk(KERN_INFO"DMA UNDERRUN OR OVERFLOW (UORI) Interrupt Count = %d\n", UORI_count);

    return readBytes;
    //read_flag += 1;


//////////////////////////////////////////////READ() FUNCTION ENDS HERE!!!!!!///////////////////////////
int upp_release( struct inode *iPtr, struct file *fPtr )

   return 0;
   printk(KERN_INFO "upp_release completed.\n");

static struct cdev *UPP_cdev;
static dev_t UPP_MajorMinorNumbers;

struct file_operations upp_fops = { 
  .owner        = THIS_MODULE,
  //.llseek     = no_llseek,
  //.poll       = upp_poll,
    .read       = upp_read,
  //.write      = upp_write,
  //.ioctl  = upp_ioctl,
    .open       = upp_open,
  //.release    = upp_release,

 *  Return ZERO on success.
static int __init upp_init(void)
   int retVal;

   //printk(KERN_INFO "Entering upp_init().\n"); 
   //SPRUGJ5B.PDF, Section
   // I'm doing this out-of-order...If the mem-allocation fails,
   // there is no sense in doing anything else, except to bail early... 
   if (upp_mem_alloc() == false)
      printk(KERN_INFO "******ERROR: Could not allocate buffers. Bailing!******\n");
      return -1;


   //SPRUGJ5B.PDF, Section
   printk(KERN_INFO "upp_pin_mux_init()...OK.\n");

   //SPRUGJ5B.PDF, Section
   printk(KERN_INFO "upp_power_and_clocks()...OK.\n");  

   //SPRUGJ5B.PDF, Section,
   printk(KERN_INFO "upp_swrst()...OK.\n");

   //SPRUGJ5B.PDF, Section
   printk(KERN_INFO "upp_config()...OK.\n");

   //SPRUGJ5B.PDF, Section
   printk(KERN_INFO "upp_interrupt_enable()...OK.\n");

   //SPRUGJ5B.PDF, Section
   printk(KERN_INFO "upp_enable()...OK.\n");

   //---------------------------SETTING GPIOS----------------   
    setpin_GPIO(); // Set High 

   UPP_MajorMinorNumbers = MKDEV( 0, 0);
   if ( (retVal = alloc_chrdev_region( &UPP_MajorMinorNumbers, 0, 1, "UPP" )) < 0)
      printk(KERN_INFO "ERROR: Major/Minor number allocation failed.\n");
      return retVal;

   UPP_cdev        = cdev_alloc();
   UPP_cdev->ops   = &upp_fops; 
   UPP_cdev->owner = THIS_MODULE;

   if (cdev_add( UPP_cdev, UPP_MajorMinorNumbers, 1) != 0) 
      printk(KERN_INFO "ERROR: UPP driver NOT loaded. CDEV registration failed.\n");
      printk(KERN_INFO "\nUPP Major: %d , Minor: %d \n", MAJOR(UPP_MajorMinorNumbers), MINOR(UPP_MajorMinorNumbers));

   printk("UPP driver (1.8.0 - 5/January/2015) succesfully installed.\n"); 

   return 0;

static void __exit upp_exit(void)
   uint32_t regVal;
   printk(KERN_INFO "Exiting..Initializing upp_exit call......\n");

   // SPRUH77A.PDF, Section, Table 33-12.
   // clear EN bit of UPPCR to disable the UPP. 
   regVal = ioread32( upp_base + UPPCR );
   regVal &= 0xfffffff7;
   iowrite32( regVal, upp_base + UPPCR );

   free_irq( UPP_INTERRUPT, 0);

   if (rxBuf) 
      kfree( rxBuf );
      rxBuf = 0;

    /*if (rxBuf2)
   cdev_del( UPP_cdev );
   unregister_chrdev_region( UPP_MajorMinorNumbers, 1);
   clrpin_GPIO(); //added 2-Dec-2014
   printk(KERN_INFO "UPP driver unloaded (Successful Exit). \n");

MODULE_AUTHOR("Ali Shehryar & Umair Ali");
MODULE_DESCRIPTION("OMAP-L138/AM-1808 UPP bus driver");

使用该代码,我制作了一个测试器应用程序,该应用程序编写了一个基于 .264 的输出文件,其中包含从我称为 upp_tester.cpp 的自定义板上获取的数据:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv )
    int count = 0;
    const int BytesToRead = 8192*4; //32kB
    int bytesRead  = -1;
    int bytesWritten = -1 ;
    int upp_fd,out_fd;
    char readBuff[BytesToRead] = {0,};
    int k = 0;

    upp_fd = open( "/dev/upp", O_RDWR);
    out_fd = open( "output_upp.264", O_RDWR|O_CREAT);

    for(count = 0; count<100; count++)

        if (upp_fd == -1) 
        fprintf( stderr , "OPEN failed [%d] - UPP\n" , errno );
        if (errno == 2) 
        fprintf( stderr , "NOTE! Check that /dev/upp actually exists, and has the right permissions \n");
        return errno;
        if (out_fd == -1) 
        fprintf( stderr , "OPEN /output_upp failed [%d] - Out.dat\n" , errno );

        //fprintf( stderr , "UPP TESTER Version 1.0.17\n\n" ); 

        for (k=0;k<32;k++)
            bytesRead    = read( upp_fd, readBuff, sizeof (readBuff));
            fprintf( stderr , "READ  [%d] bytes out of [%d] bytes\n" , bytesRead    , sizeof(readBuff) );

            bytesWritten = write( out_fd, readBuff, bytesRead );
            fprintf( stderr , "WROTE [%d] bytes out of [%d] bytes\n" , bytesWritten , sizeof(readBuff) );

    return 0;

现在,当我浏览输出文件时,我发现很多字节丢失了,我通常使用 memset 将其设置为 255。这是因为我为测试文件的 dsp 处理器编写的内核设置为从 0-99 抛出固定数据。什么可能导致这个问题。我是设备驱动程序和内核级编程的新手,因此我们将不胜感激。


1 回答 1


如果您想将驱动程序提交给上游(这实际上是正确的方法),您可能会联系使用达芬奇板的 TI 人员。我假设您已经在 Google 上搜索了DaVinci Wiki链接。

关于您的驱动程序,由于其代码风格,很难检查。此外,您可以检查现代内核 API 以了解您尝试手动编程的内容(稳压器、时钟、引脚控制等)。对于许多基本设备,已经有驱动程序和设置。您还必须在设备树中描述您的板配置。通常这意味着创建一个额外的(通用的)配置并将其放在 arch/arm/boot/dts/ 下。在那里您可以找到 da850 预定义数据库。

于 2015-01-07T22:17:16.970 回答