到目前为止,我在谷歌上搜索和检查 msdn 表明 Microsoft Windows 不提供任何等效的 TIOCOUTQ / SIOCOUTQ 来查找套接字发送缓冲区中未发送数据的数量。如果一些好的黑客发现了一些其他的东西,那将非常有用,并且可以在这里发布。它将允许我的以下代码成为跨平台
int net_get_unsent (const int sockfd, unsigned long &sock_bytes_unsent )
/* Queries how much data sent on sockfd,
* may not have yet been recieved by the reciever
* returns more than 1 if there's unsent data,
* and fills in the amount of unsent data in sock_bytes_unsent
* returns 0 if all the data has been sent
* returns < 0 if there was a socket I/O error
* */
int err = 0;
int wsaerr = 0;
if (sockfd <= 0)
return -1;
#ifdef WINDOWS
err = ioctlsocket(sockfd, SIOCOUTQ , &sock_bytes_unsent);
err = ioctl(sockfd, TIOCOUTQ, &sock_bytes_unsent);
if (err < 0) {
#ifdef WINDOWS
wsaerr = WSAGetLastError();
wsaerr = errno;
printf("failed to get unsent data error:%d", wsaerr );
sock_bytes_unsent = 0;
return -1 * wsaerr;
} else if (sock_bytes_unsent > 0 ) {
printf( "unsent data: %lu bytes", sock_bytes_unsent );
return 1;
return err;