如何在 DB2 中找到两个日期之间的差异(不包括周末)?
DB2 中是否有任何函数可以做到这一点?还是我需要自己写一个查询?
AFAIK 没有这样的功能。然而,编写一个计算这个的查询很容易:
with cal(d) as (
values date('2015-01-01') -- start_date
union all
select d + 1 day from cal
where d < '2015-01-15' -- end_date
) select count(case when dayofweek(d) between 2 and 6 then 1 end)
from cal;
you can use this function:
The following calculation will return the number of working days between two dates:
[Week(End Date) - Week(Start Date)] * 5 + [DayofWeek(Start Date) - DayofWeek(End Date)]
This will only work if the functions for Week and Day or equivalent are native to the database driver. Client Access and Sybase native connection both support these functions.
The Week function will give the integer value of the week of the year selected. The DayofWeek will give an Integer value from 1-7 for the day selected.
* First, we'll extend the date object with some functionality.
* We'll add an .each() function, as well as an .adjust() function.
* .each() will give us the ability to loop between two dates, whether
* by 'day', 'week' or 'month'.
* .adjust() will allow us to move a given day by a given unit. This is used
* like so: currentDate.adjust('days', 1) to increment by one day.
Date.prototype.each = function(endDate, part, step, fn, bind){
var fromDate = new Date(this.getTime()),
toDate = new Date(endDate.getTime()),
pm = fromDate <= toDate? 1:-1,
i = 0;
while( (pm === 1 && fromDate <= toDate) || (pm === -1 && fromDate >= toDate) ){
if(fn.call(bind, fromDate, i, this) === false) break;
i += step;
fromDate.adjust(part, step*pm);
return this;
Date.prototype.adjust = function(part, amount){
part = part.toLowerCase();
var map = {
years: 'FullYear', months: 'Month', weeks: 'Hours', days: 'Hours', hours: 'Hours',
minutes: 'Minutes', seconds: 'Seconds', milliseconds: 'Milliseconds',
utcyears: 'UTCFullYear', utcmonths: 'UTCMonth', weeks: 'UTCHours', utcdays: 'UTCHours',
utchours: 'UTCHours', utcminutes: 'UTCMinutes', utcseconds: 'UTCSeconds', utcmilliseconds: 'UTCMilliseconds'
mapPart = map[part];
if(part == 'weeks' || part == 'utcweeks')
amount *= 168;
if(part == 'days' || part == 'utcdays')
amount *= 24;
this['set'+ mapPart]( this['get'+ mapPart]() + amount );
return this;
* An array of national holidays. This is used to test for the exclusion of given
* days. While this list is national days, you could tailor it to regional, state
* or given religious observances. Whatever.
natDays = [
month: 1,
date: 26,
type: "national - us",
name: "New Year's Day"
month: 1,
date: 21,
type: "national - us",
name: "Martin Luther King Day"
month: 2,
date: 18,
type: "national - us",
name: "President's Day (Washington's Birthday"
month: 5,
date: 27,
type: "national - us",
name: "Memorial Day"
month: 7,
date: 4,
type: "national - us",
name: "Independence Day"
month: 9,
date: 2,
type: "national - us",
name: "Labor Day"
month: 10,
date: 14,
type: "national - us",
name: "Columbus Day"
month: 11,
date: 11,
type: "national - us",
name: "Veteran's Day"
month: 11,
date: 29,
type: "national - us",
name: "Thanksgiving Day"
month: 12,
date: 25,
type: "national - us",
name: "Christmas Day"
* This uses the national holidays array we just set, and checks a given day to see
* if it's in the list. If so, it returns true and the name of the holiday, if not
* it returns false.
function nationalDay(date) {
for (i = 0; i < natDays.length; i++) {
if (date.getMonth() == (natDays[i].month-1)
&& date.getDate() == natDays[i].date) {
return [true, natDays[i].name];
return [false, null];
* This function takes two dates, as start and end date, and iterates through the
* dates between them. For each date, it checks if the current date is a week day.
* If it is, it then checks if it isn't a holiday. In this case, it increments
* the business day counter.
function calcBusinessDays(startDate, endDate) {
// input given as Date objects
var iDateDiff=0, holidays = [];
startDate.each(endDate, 'days', 1, function(currentDate, currentStep, thisDate){
if(currentDate.getDay() != 0 && currentDate.getDay() != 6 ) {
var isAHoliday = nationalDay(currentDate);
iDateDiff += 1;
} else {
return {count: iDateDiff, holidays: holidays};
var results, exclusions;
$( "#startDate" ).datepicker({
defaultDate: "+1w",
changeMonth: true,
numberOfMonths: 3,
onClose: function( selectedDate ) {
$( "#endDate" ).datepicker( "option", "minDate", selectedDate );
$( "#endDate" ).datepicker({
defaultDate: "+1w",
changeMonth: true,
numberOfMonths: 3,
onClose: function( selectedDate ) {
$( "#startDate" ).datepicker( "option", "maxDate", selectedDate );
$("#calculateMe").on("click", function(){
var startDate = new Date($("#startDate").val()),
endDate = new Date($("#endDate").val() );
// Calculate the number of business days. This returns an object, with
// two members: count and holidays
results = calcBusinessDays(startDate, endDate);
exclusions = "Excluded weekends";
if (results.holidays.length > 0) {
// We have holidays, tell the user about them...
exclusions += " and the following holidays: ";
for(var i=0; i<results.holidays.length; i += 1){
exclusions += results.holidays[i]+", ";
} else {
// No holidays.
exclusions += ".";
$("#result").text(results.count + " business days." ).append("<p>("+exclusions+")</p>");
<div id="content">
<input type="text" class="myDateClass" id="startDate"/>
<input type="text" class="myDateClass" id="endDate"/>
<button id="calculateMe">How many business days?</button>
<div id="result"></div>