我正在处理系统偏好设置窗格。它在某些计算机上可以正常打开,但在其他 Mac(均运行 10.5.5)上,首选项窗格拒绝加载并简单地挂起,将以下内容吐到控制台中:
11/9/08 8:38:50 PM [0x0-0x31031].com.apple.systempreferences[369] Sun Nov 9 20:38:50 Macintosh.local System Preferences[369] <Error>: Failed to create window context device
11/9/08 8:38:50 PM [0x0-0x31031].com.apple.systempreferences[369] Sun Nov 9 20:38:50 Macintosh.local System Preferences[369] <Error>: CGWindowContextCreate: failed to create context delegate.
11/9/08 8:38:55 PM [0x0-0x31031].com.apple.systempreferences[369] Sun Nov 9 20:38:55 Macintosh.local System Preferences[369] <Error>: Failed to create window context device