var fn = function myName(arg) {
// whatever
// fn.name === "myName"
可以使用 lambda 语法在 typescript 中指定名称吗?
var fn = (arg) => {
// whatever
// fn.name not set
var fn = function myName(arg) {
// whatever
// fn.name === "myName"
可以使用 lambda 语法在 typescript 中指定名称吗?
var fn = (arg) => {
// whatever
// fn.name not set
箭头函数从分配它的变量中获取名称。称为从该变量推断出的名称(在您的情况下fn.name === "fn"
const joeThrows = (thing: string):never => {
throw new Error(`Joe took ${thing} and throwed it at you.`);
const simonThrows = ({
simonSays: (what: string):never => {
throw new Error(`Simon said ${what} and throwed you out.`);
try {
console.log("== joeThrows fat-arrow %s has name '%s' ==", typeof joeThrows, joeThrows.name);
} catch(ex) { console.log(ex.stack); }
try {
console.log("=== simonThrows fat-arrow %s has name '%s' ==", typeof simonThrows, simonThrows.name);
simonThrows("I have a name!");
} catch(ex) { console.log(ex.stack); }
=== joeThrows fat-arrow function has name 'joeThrows' ==
Joe took hammer and throwed it at you.
Error: Joe took hammer and throwed it at you.
at joeThrows (/code-demo/named.js:2:11)
at Object.<anonymous> (/code-demo/named.js:11:5)
at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:778:30)
=== simonThrows fat-arrow function has name 'simonSays' ==
Error: Simon said I have a name! and throwed you out.
at simonSays (/code-demo/named.js:6:15)
at Object.<anonymous> (/code-demo/named.js:18:5)
at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:778:30)
当您想要创建更多函数来充当回调函数时,它会很方便,它们具有相同的功能以用于不同的设置,并且您希望使用通用名称更精确地可视化异常源。例如,动态创建非常通用的 Redux 选择器或 FeatherJS 钩子,可以通过函数创建者的参数进行自定义:
// Let's suppose we have the types
type HookContext = Record<string, any>;
type ServiceHook = (context: HookContext) => HookContext;
// Then we can define service hook factory function
export const createServiceHook = (purpose: string): ServiceHook => {
const fn = `serviceHook$${purpose}`;
return ({
[fn]: (context: HookContext): HookContext => {
// Do something here with the context which may throw exception
return context;
// Later we can create a specific hook function instance that:
// * will have lookoutForSummer.name equal to "serviceHook$summer"
// * will show that name in call-stack in case exception is throw
export const lookoutForSummer = createServiceHook("summer");