首先,我正在阅读有关扫描线算法的信息,以在 O(N lgN) 时间内找到最接近的点对topcoder。我主要了解该算法,但是当我查看此处提供的实现(复制并在下面更易读)时,我注意到一些显着的差异。
#define x first
#define y second
typedef pair<long long, long long> pll;
set <pll> boundingBox;
boundingBox.insert(points[0]); //Points have been already sorted by x-coordinate
for (int i = 1; i < numPoints; i++)
while ((left < i) && (points[i].x - points[left].x > shortestDistSoFar))
for (auto it = boundingBox.lower_bound(pll(points[i].y - shortestDistSoFar, points[i].x - shortestDistSoFar)); it != boundingBox.end() && it->y <= points[i].y + shortestDistSoFar; it++)
if (dist(*it, points[i]) < shortestDistSoFar)
shortestDistSoFar = dist(*it, points[i]);
best1 = *it;
best2 = points[i];
首先,在上面的实现片段中,保存点并表示边界矩形的 std::set 不是按 y 坐标(而是按 x 坐标)排序的,这与几乎所有其他来源所说的相反The set is ordered by y coordinate. (Topcoder)
接下来,即使集合没有按 y 坐标排序,当迭代器用于 时consider points in the active set ... whose y coordinates are in the range yN − h to yN + h
,它也会作为 的下界pll(points[i].y - shortestDistSoFar, points[i].x - shortestDistSoFar)
先来?我认为正确的顺序是pll(points[i].x, points[i].y - shortestDistSoFar)