I'm trying to find out whether it is possible to sign binaries written for SAP systems in ABAP. Contextually does it make sense? I've only found some reference to an add-on assembly kit which seems to be some sort of packaging standard. Can this be used to authenticate the source and integrity of ABAP modules?

Greatly appreciate your feedback~!

I seem to have found an answer to my question somewhat...one forum discussion states that ABAP is only interpreted and that there are no binaries to sign in the first place. I'm a bit confused though as to what the Add-on Assembly Kit is. I suppose it's a way of packaging the ABAP code into a certifiable package, which I suppose is the closest we'll get to what I'm looking for-although I'm not sure how this works if you're not interested in sharing the package with SAP for certification...If you have any insights please enlighten me.



1 回答 1


不肯定您的最终要求,但我会尽我所能回答。ABAP 被解释,因此实际上不需要对二进制文件进行签名,因为没有要签名的内容。因为第三方需要以打包方式向客户交付解决方案或代码的方式,SAP 开发了附加的组装工具包,(强调组装)这允许第三方使用工具来打包所有解决方案部分,(类、表、包括、屏幕等)到可以在您的客户 SAP 系统中安装、版本控制等的附加组件中。因此,它的主要目的是允许您组装构成您的解决方案的无数部分。





于 2014-12-27T22:16:45.820 回答