我有一个 R 数据框,它描述了产品销售的演变。每季度有 2000 家商店,有 5 列(即 5 个时间段)。我想知道如何用 R 分析它。

我已经试着做了一些基本的分析,就是先确定第1期、第2期等的平均销售额,然后确定每个期的平均数,然后比较每个店铺的相对演变情况这种普遍的演变。例如,第一期总共有 50 000 个销售额,第 5 期总共有 35 000 个销售额,所以我假设每个商店在第 5 期的正常销售额是 35/55=0.63*第 1 期的金额period's sale:如果店铺X在第一期卖出了100件,我假设它在第五期正常应该卖出63件。


我想要一种方法,使我能够确定最小化我的 R 方的趋势抑制。我的目标是能够通过中和总体趋势来分析商店的销售额:我想通过统计上正确的方法准确地知道哪些是表现不佳的商店,哪些是表现出色的商店


shopID | sum | qt1 | qt2 | qt3 | qt4 | qt5
000001 | 150 | 45  | 15  | 40  | 25  | 25
000002 | 100 | 20  | 20  | 20  | 20  | 20
000003 | 500 | 200 | 0   | 100 | 100 | 100
... (2200 rows)


# I reverse rows and columns of the frame in order that the time periods be the rows
timeser<-ts(reversesales,start=1,end=5, deltat=1/4)
# deltat=1/4 because it is a quarterly basis, 1 and 5 because I have 5 quarters

尽管如此,我还是无法对这个变量做任何事情。我不能做任何情节(使用“情节”功能),因为有 2200 行(所以 R 想让我连续绘制 2200 个情节,显然这不是我想要的)。




2 回答 2




# Generating some data with a structure like yours:
start <- round(sample(10:100, 50, replace = TRUE)*runif(50))
df <- data_frame(shopID = 1:50, qt1 = start, qt2 =round(qt1*runif(50, .5, 2)) ,qt3 = round(qt2*runif(50, .5, 2)), qt4 = round(qt3*runif(50, .5, 2)), qt5 = round(qt4*runif(50, .5, 2)))
df <- as.data.frame(df)

# Converting in into the long format:
df <- reshape(df, idvar = "shopID", varying = names(df)[-1], direction = "long", sep = "")

Estimating the model:
mod <- lme(qt ~ time, random = ~ time | shopID, data = df)

# Extract the random effects for comparison:
(Intercept)        time
1   74.0790805   3.7034172
2    7.8713699   4.2138001
3   -8.0670810  -5.8754060
4  -16.5114428  16.4920663
5  -16.7098229   6.4685228
6  -11.9630688  -8.0411504
7  -12.9669777  21.3071366
8  -24.1099280  32.9274361
9    8.5107335  -9.7976905
10 -13.2707679  -6.6028927
11   3.6206163  -4.1017784
12  21.2342886  -6.7120725
13 -14.6489512  11.6847109
14 -14.7291647   2.1365768
15  10.6791941   3.2097199
16 -14.1524187  -1.6933291
17   5.2120647   8.0119320
18  -2.5172933  -6.5011416
19  -9.0094366  -5.6031271
20   1.4857512  -5.9913865
21 -16.5973442   3.5164298
22 -26.7724763  27.9264081
23  49.0764631 -12.9800871
24  -0.1512509   2.3589947
25  15.7723150  -7.9295698
26   2.1955489  11.0318875
27  -8.0890346  -5.4145977
28   0.1338790  -8.3551182
29   9.7113758  -9.5799588
30  -6.0257683  42.3140432
31 -15.7655545  -8.6226255
32  -4.1450984  18.7995079
33   4.1510104  -1.6384103
34   2.5107652  -2.0871890
35 -23.8640815   7.6680185
36 -10.8228653  -7.7370976
37 -14.1253093  -8.1738468
38  42.4114024  -9.0436585
39 -10.7453627   2.4590883
40 -12.0947901  -5.2763010
41  -7.6578305  -7.9630013
42 -14.9985612  -0.4848326
43 -13.4081771  -7.2655456
44 -11.5646620  -7.5365387
45   6.9116844 -10.5200339
46  70.7785492 -11.5522014
47  -7.3556367  -8.3946072
48  27.3830419  -6.9049164
49  14.3188079  -9.9334156
50 -15.2077850  -7.9161690


round(apply(random.effects(mod), 2, mean))
(Intercept)        time 
0           0 
于 2014-12-27T23:29:20.960 回答

#Reconstructing the data with four quarter columns (instead of five quarters as in your example)

shopID <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
sum <- c(150, 100, 500, 350, 50) 
qt1 <- c(40, 10, 130, 50, 10)
qt2 <- c(40, 40, 110, 100, 15)
qt3 <- c(50, 30, 140, 150, 10)
qt4 <- c(20, 20, 120, 50, 15)
myDF <- data.frame(shopID, sum, qt1, qt2, qt3, qt4)

#The ts() function converts a numeric vector into an R time series object 
ts1 <- ts(as.numeric((myDF[1,3:6])), frequency=4)
ts2 <- ts(as.numeric((myDF[2,3:6])), frequency=4)
ts3 <- ts(as.numeric((myDF[3,3:6])), frequency=4)
ts4 <- ts(as.numeric((myDF[4,3:6])), frequency=4)
ts5 <- ts(as.numeric((myDF[5,3:6])), frequency=4)

#Merge time series objects
tsm <- merge(a = as.zoo(ts1), b = as.zoo(ts2), c = as.zoo(ts3), d = as.zoo(ts4), e = as.zoo(ts5))

#Plotting the Time Series
plot.ts(tsm, plot.type = "single", lty = 1:5, xlab = "Time", ylab = "Sales")



于 2014-12-26T17:41:02.607 回答