We are are trying to add AppLinks to our Facebook self hosted Open Graph objects. I've added the required meta tags and now one of our Unity developers is implementing it in our Android and iOS mobile clients.

We aren't able to find documentation on how to read the AppLink data with Facebook Unity SDK. The docs are pretty clear on iOS and Android Facebook SDK's but Unity seems to only have the Deep Link functionality (superseded by AppLinks for iOS and Android) which just reads the og:url metadata instead of the e.g.: al:ios:url metadata

We also can't find anything on applinks.org about Unity. It states for iOS and Android to use the Bolts framework which is included in the Facebook iOS and Android SDK's.

Our Unity developer says he can't include the Bolts framework because it conflicts with the Facebook Unity SDK.

Is there a solution to fix this or do we have to recode our Facebook SDK implementions for our specific Android and iOS builds?


1 回答 1


今年早些时候,我在 F8 与一些 Facebook 开发人员进行了交谈。Facebook 之前基本放弃了 Unity。但是在他们解决了 Chrome 的问题后,Unity 又回到了桌面上,他们将开始构建一个新的 SDK

于 2015-06-02T13:02:41.367 回答