假设我们有一个 typeclass class (A a, B a) => C a where
问题:是否有可能让 ghc 自动派生A
and C
in deriving实现C
= Planet
= Lives
= Description
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Main (main) where
data Cat = Cat String
newtype Dolphin = Dolphin Cat deriving (Planet)
class Planet a where
planet :: a -> String
class Lives a where
lives :: a -> String
class (Planet a, Lives a) => Description a where
description :: a -> String
instance Planet Cat where
planet _ = "lives on planet earth,"
instance Lives Cat where
lives _ = "lives on land"
instance Description Cat where
description a = (planet a) ++ (lives a)
instance Lives Dolphin where
lives _ = "lives in the sea"
--want the following derivation to use the instance of
--"Lives" for "Dolphin" above
deriving instance Description Dolphin
main = do
print $ description (Cat "test")
-- > "lives on planet earth,lives on land"
-- OK
print $ description (Dolphin (Cat "test"))
-- > "lives on planet earth,lives on land"
-- NOT OK. Want "lives on planet earth,lives in the sea"
for Dolphin
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Main (main) where
data Cat = Cat String
newtype Dolphin = Dolphin Cat deriving (Planet)
class Planet a where
planet :: a -> String
class Lives a where
lives :: a -> String
class (Planet a, Lives a) => Description a where
description :: a -> String
instance Planet Cat where
planet _ = "lives on planet earth,"
instance Lives Cat where
lives _ = "lives on land"
instance Description Cat where
description a = (planet a) ++ (lives a)
instance Lives Dolphin where
lives _ = "lives in the sea"
instance Description Dolphin where
description a = (planet a) ++ (lives a)
main = do
print $ description (Cat "test")
-- > "lives on planet earth,lives on land"
print $ description (Dolphin (Cat "test"))
-- > "lives on planet earth,lives in the sea"
ps 令人费解的是,如果(在第一个程序中)我没有声明:
instance Lives Dolphin where
lives _ = "lives in the sea"
然后 ghc 抱怨:
No instance for (Lives Dolphin)
arising from the superclasses of an instance declaration
In the instance declaration for ‘Description Dolphin’
如果 ghc没有在for的(自动)推导中使用它,instance Lives Dolphin where