通过 Ambari 1.7 执行安装,希望了解有关 Zookeeper 安装的一些说明。该设置涉及 (3) Zookeeper 和 (3) Kafka 实例。Ambari UI 要求指定 Zookeeper 主机和 Zookeeper 客户端/从机。我应该选择所有三个 Zookeeper 节点作为主节点并在每个 Kafka 服务器上安装 Zookeeper 客户端吗?

Zookeeper 没有任何主节点,我对这个 Ambari 主/从术语有点困惑。


1 回答 1


Zookeeper Server is considered a MASTER component in Ambari terminology. Kafka has the requirement that Zookeeper Server be installed on at least one node in the cluster. Thus the only requirement you have is to install Zookeeper server on one of the nodes in your cluster for Kafka to function. Kafka does not require Zookeeper clients on each Kafka node.

You can determine all this information by looking at the Service configurations for KAFKA and ZOOKEEPER. The configuration is specified in the metainfo.xml file for each component under the stack definition. The location of the definitions will differ based on the version of Ambari you have installed.

On newer versions of Ambari this location is:

   /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/common-services/<service name>/<service version>

On older version of Ambari this location is:

  /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/<stack version>/services/<service name>
于 2015-07-09T16:50:11.947 回答