I'm using CalendarContract.Instances to get a set of calendar events. In general my queries work fine. However, the begin and end times for events in the "holidays" calendar come back in a wrong time zone. Events in one of my personal calendars come with correct times.
For example:
New Year's day "begins" at 04:00 PM, 31 Dec 2014.
where as
Opera "begins" at 02:00 PM, 11 Jan 2015.
I'm using exactly the same code to display both:
SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat ("hh:mm a, d MMM yyyy", Locale.US);
logD (prefix + i + ": " + formatter.format (data.startTime) + "; " + data.note);
where data.startTime maps to Instances.BEGIN and data.note maps to Instances.TITLE. The Opera is showing at the correct time, New Year's day is obviously 8 hours off (I'm in the US Pacific time zone).
If I view these in the Android calendar app, both show with the correct time.
Obviously, I can look at which calendar the event comes from and set the time zone accordingly to make it show with the correct time. However, I'm hoping there's a more proper solution that I'm unaware of.
Here's a snip of code that gets the event values from the cursor:
public View getView (int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent)
EventFields fields = new EventFields();
cursor.moveToPosition (position);
fields.title = cursor.getString (cursor.getColumnIndex (Instances.TITLE));
fields.dtStart = cursor.getLong (cursor.getColumnIndex (Instances.BEGIN));
fields.dtEnd = cursor.getLong (cursor.getColumnIndex (Instances.END));
fields.iCalDuration = cursor.getString (cursor.getColumnIndex (Instances.DURATION));
fields.rrule = cursor.getString (cursor.getColumnIndex (Instances.RRULE));
Here's the query:
public void refreshData (String constraint)
long begin = ... some date ...
long end = ... another date ...
final Uri uri = Uri.parse(CalendarContract.Instances.CONTENT_URI + "/" +
Long.toString(begin) + "/" +
// Setup query - projection ordering must match statics above.
final String[] projection = new String[] {
final String sortOrder = Instances.BEGIN;
String selection = null;
if (constraint != null)
selection = Instances.TITLE + " like '%" + constraint.toString() + "%'";
cursor = getActivity().getContentResolver().query (
For the example above, New Year's Day
New Year's day dtStart = 1419984000000 and
And another event which really starts at 4pm has
Roger dtStart = 1420052400000