我需要通过 PPL 并行化“while”循环。我在 MS VS 2013 的 Visual C++ 中有以下代码。
int WordCount::CountWordsInTextFiles(basic_string<char> p_FolderPath, vector<basic_string<char>>& p_TextFilesNames)
// Word counter in all files.
atomic<unsigned> wordsInFilesTotally = 0;
// Critical section.
critical_section cs;
// Set specified folder as current folder.
// Concurrent iteration through p_TextFilesNames vector.
parallel_for(size_t(0), p_TextFilesNames.size(), [&](size_t i)
// Create a stream to read from file.
ifstream fileStream(p_TextFilesNames[i]);
// Check if the file is opened
if (fileStream.is_open())
// Word counter in a particular file.
unsigned wordsInFile = 0;
// Read from file.
while (fileStream.good())
string word;
fileStream >> word;
// Count total number of words in all files.
// Count total number of words in a particular file.
// Verify the values.
cout << endl << "In file " << p_TextFilesNames[i] << " there are " << wordsInFile << " words" << endl;
// Destroy critical section.
// Return total number of words in all files in the folder.
return wordsInFilesTotally;
此代码通过外循环中的 std::vector 进行并行迭代。并行性由 concurrency::parallel_for() 算法提供。但是这段代码也有嵌套的“while”循环,执行从文件中读取。我需要并行化这个嵌套的“while”循环。这个嵌套的“while”循环如何通过 PPL 并行化。请帮忙。