有一个来自 KEIL 的代码示例。它工作正常。但我的问题是我需要在 LPC24xx 中接收时发送一个单词而不是一个字符。
void sio_irq (void) __irq {
volatile char dummy;
volatile char IIR;
struct buf_st *p;
Repeat while there is at least one interrupt source.
while (((IIR = U0IIR) & 0x01) == 0) {
switch (IIR & 0x0E) {
case 0x06: /* Receive Line Status */
dummy = U0LSR; /* Just clear the interrupt source */
case 0x04: /* Receive Data Available */
case 0x0C: /* Character Time-Out */
p = &rbuf;
if (((p->in - p->out) & ~(RBUF_SIZE-1)) == 0) {
p->buf [p->in & (RBUF_SIZE-1)] = U0RBR;
case 0x02: /* THRE Interrupt */
p = &tbuf;
if (p->in != p->out) {
U0THR = p->buf [p->out & (TBUF_SIZE-1)];
tx_restart = 0;
else {
tx_restart = 1;
case 0x00: /* Modem Interrupt */
// dummy = U1MSR; /* Just clear the interrupt source */
VICVectAddr = 0; /* Acknowledge Interrupt */
void com_initialize (void) {
volatile char dummy;
Clear com buffer indexes.
tbuf.in = 0;
tbuf.out = 0;
tx_restart = 1;
rbuf.in = 0;
rbuf.out = 0;
Setup serial port registers.
// PINSEL0 |= 0x40000000; /* Enable TxD1 */
// PINSEL1 |= 0x00000001; /* Enable RxD1 */
PINSEL0 |= 0x00000050; /* Enable TxD0 and RxD0 */
U0LCR = 0x03; /* 8 bits, no Parity, 1 Stop bit */
U0IER = 0; /* Disable UART1 Interrupts */
VICVectAddr6 = (unsigned long)sio_irq;
VICVectCntl6 = 15; /* use it for UART1 Interrupt */
VICIntEnable = 1 << 6; /* Enable UART1 Interrupt */
com_baudrate (115200); /* setup for 115200 baud (14,4MHz) */
/*** Note that with the PLL and VPB setup the pclk is 14,4MHz. ***/
/*** This does NOT generate nice baudrates!!! ***/
/*** Most connection problems are baudrate mismatches. ***/
/*** Symptoms we've seen include reception on PC but no ***/
/*** reception on the target system. ***/
dummy = U0IIR; /* Read IrqID - Required to Get Interrupts Started */
U0IER = 7; /* Enable UART1 RX and THRE Interrupts */
int com_putchar (int c) {
struct buf_st *p = &tbuf;
If the buffer is full, return an error value.
return (-1);
Add the data to the transmit buffer. If the
transmit interrupt is disabled, then enable it.
if (tx_restart) {
tx_restart = 0;
U0THR = c;
else {
p->buf [p->in & (TBUF_SIZE - 1)] = c;
return (0);
int com_getchar (void) {
struct buf_st *p = &rbuf;
if (SIO_RBUFLEN == 0)
return (-1);
return (p->buf [(p->out++) & (RBUF_SIZE - 1)]);
[RX] PRESS a key:
[TX] Hello World! ( i send this string )
[RX] HPRESS a key:
[RX] ePRESS a key:
[RX] lPRESS a key:
[RX] lPRESS a key:
[RX] oPRESS a key:
[RX] PRESS a key:
[RX] WPRESS a key:
[RX] oPRESS a key:
[RX] rPRESS a key:
[RX] lPRESS a key:
[RX] dPRESS a key:
[RX] !PRESS a key:
#include <LPC23XX.H>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "sio.h"
#include "rtl.h"
int main (void) {
FIO2DIR = 0x00000004; /* LEDs, port 2, bit 0~7 output only */
FIO2MASK = 0x00000000;
com_initialize (); /* init interrupt driven serial I/O */
printf ("Interrupt-driven Serial I/O Example\r\n\r\n");
while (1)
unsigned char c;
FIO2SET = 0x04;
printf ("Press a key. ");
c = getchar ();
printf ("\r\n");