我尝试为森林的每个节点分配一个数字,这样就不会有 2 个节点具有相同的数字。我尝试使用 2 个相互调用递归的函数,但我得到了一些编译错误。这是代码:
numberTree :: Int -> Tree a -> (Tree Int,Int)
numberTree n (Node c []) = (Node n [], n+1)
numberTree n (Node _ (x:xs)) = (Node n fst.numberForest (n+1) xs, snd.numberForest (n+1) xs)
numberForest :: Int -> [Tree a] -> ([Tree Int],Int)
numberForest n (x:xs) = ((fst(numberTree n x )):(fst(numberForest (n+1) xs)), snd(numberForest (n+1) xs)+1)
numberForest n (x:xs) = ((fst(numberTree n x )):(fst(numberForest (n+1) xs)), snd(numberForest (n+1) xs)+1)
.hs:27:34: 无法匹配预期类型
b0 -> c0' with actual type
Tree Int 可能原因:(Node' is applied to too many arguments In the first argument of
.)',即 `Node n fst' 在表达式中:Node n fst 。numberForest (n + 1) xs
Couldn't match expected type `Tree Int' with actual type `a0 -> c0
In the expression: Node n fst . numberForest (n + 1) xs
In the expression:
(Node n fst . numberForest (n + 1) xs,
snd . numberForest (n + 1) xs)
In an equation for `numberTree':
numberTree n (Node _ (x : xs))
= (Node n fst . numberForest (n + 1) xs,
snd . numberForest (n + 1) xs)
Couldn't match type `(a1, b1) -> a1' with `[Tree Int]'
Expected type: Forest Int
Actual type: (a1, b1) -> a1
Probable cause: `fst' is applied to too few arguments
In the second argument of `Node', namely `fst'
In the first argument of `(.)', namely `Node n fst'
Couldn't match expected type `a0 -> b0'
with actual type `([Tree Int], Int)'
Possible cause: `numberForest' is applied to too many arguments
In the second argument of `(.)', namely `numberForest (n + 1) xs'
In the expression: Node n fst . numberForest (n + 1) xs
Couldn't match expected type `Int' with actual type `a2 -> c1'
In the expression: snd . numberForest (n + 1) xs
In the expression:
(Node n fst . numberForest (n + 1) xs,
snd . numberForest (n + 1) xs)
In an equation for `numberTree':
numberTree n (Node _ (x : xs))
= (Node n fst . numberForest (n + 1) xs,
snd . numberForest (n + 1) xs)
Couldn't match expected type `a2 -> (a3, c1)'
with actual type `([Tree Int], Int)'
Possible cause: `numberForest' is applied to too many arguments
In the second argument of `(.)', namely `numberForest (n + 1) xs'
In the expression: snd . numberForest (n + 1) xs