我在将我的机器人连接到 irc.twitch.tv 时遇到了一些问题。连接到 irc.ubuntu.com 没问题。
当连接到 ubuntu 时,我只发送 nick 然后发送 usr。通过 twitch,我发送 pass、nick 和 usr。
我真的很困惑为什么这根本不起作用。通常我认为 twitch 应该告诉我任何事情,但是在我的机器人告诉我没有发生特殊错误之后,根本就没有消息。所以我认为问题出在连接上,而不是因为我无法在 usr 和 nick 之前发送有效的通行证。
PS: - My oauth PW should be correct it is not the string in the sample code.
- I have the pw/usr/nick in the right order, nick/usr is wrong in code.
- I want to say again, that I don't get any message from twitch or any errors.
PPS: - I just tried using wireshark and when filtering for "irc" I got some data
with irc.ubuntu.com, but none with irc.twitch.tv.
Is the twitch adress wrong?
PPPS: - I am not completely into wireshark yet, but the only messages I am getting
on tcp port 6667 are
"connection establish request"
and "connection establish acknowledge"