

如何通过具有O(log n)时间复杂度的线段树来实现它,用于推送、删除和查找长度?应该在节点中存储什么?


1 回答 1


Storing the minimum and the number of elements that have the minimum value in each node is sufficient here. Adding an interval is equivalent to adding 1 to a range and removing an interval is equivalent to adding -1 to a range. The length of the union is:
1. n if the minimum value is not zero for the root of the tree.
2. n - c, where c is the number of elements with the minimum value for the root of tree if the minimum is zero.
The minimum cannot be negative(any point is always covered by 0 or more intervals).

于 2014-12-08T17:57:33.813 回答