有没有更有效/更快的方法来比较两个矩阵(按列)并使用 t 检验计算 p 值,以确保均值没有差异(最终在必要时切换到 chisq.test)?
## generate fake data (e.g., from treatment and control data)
z0 <- matrix(rnorm(100),10,10)
z1 <- matrix(rnorm(100, mean=1.1, sd=2),10,10)
## function to compare columns (bloody for loop)
compare.matrix <- function(z0, z1){
pval <- numeric(ncol(z0)) ## initialize
for(i in 1:ncol(z0)){ ## compare columns
pval[i] <- t.test(z1[, i], z0[, i])$p.value
## if var is categorical, switch test type
if ( length(unique(z1[,i]))==2){
index <- c(rep(0, nrow(z0)), rep(1, nrow(z1)))
xx <- c(z0[,i], z1[,i])
pval[i] <- chisq.test(table(xx, index), simulate.p.value=TRUE)$p.value
compare.matrix(z0, z1)